
It was a beautiful morning for a breeding bird survey. Two summer students came out to help me do the Pine Dock Road. We had perfect weather, not as many bugs as I’d feared and lots of birds. Looking forward to tallying it up. 🌿
Beautiful photos but the birder in me really wants to ask - How was the tally? Any nice surprises out there?
I haven’t done the tally yet, but I did notice way more Canada warblers than usual. No surprises. We’ve had a very wet year and there are lots of insects, so I’m hoping the numbers are a little up.
We (Houston) have that narrow migration window for Canada warblers - they’re always a highlight. Here’s hoping the numbers are up, too.
I always hear them every year, but usually only one or two. I’m pretty sure I had over six this year and sometimes more than one at a stop. I’m quite excited about that. I just wish they would be more visible. When you guys see them on migration, they’re a lot easier to photograph.
Nice license plate. I get that joke.