
One more look at my Polyphemus mama. Moths really are just flying teddy bears. I managed to get her into a more appropriate host plant and I hope she manages to successfully lay her eggs. ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ›
I found them in the road this morning. I didnโ€™t realize it was two until I picked them up. These Polyphemus moths will stay joined for the rest of the day and separate at dusk so the female can lay her eggs. I ended up bringing them home to my yard where I know they will be safe for the day. ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ›
Moth & butterfly sex is amazing. Once had 2 copulating monarch butterflies fly through passenger window & exit my driverโ€™s side window while eating lunch during a monarch habitat survey. One above & doing all the flying, the other underneath along for the ride. They flew inches in front of my face.
That's amazing! I can picture this in my head and it's quite comical :)