Claire Light/Jadie Jang (she/her)

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Claire Light/Jadie Jang (she/her)

Writer, #SJW, Monkey Queen, mixed race, differently fabled, Oxford comma, fried rice. Author of MONKEY AROUND.
Jesus, it’s the “yes it is” “no it isn’t” “yes it is” debate.
Jesus, would someone tell Biden to keep his mouth closed?
People are being raped by their I -laws and brothers and sisters?!? WTF? Is he having a stroke?
WTF did Biden just say about abortion and incest?!?
Biden isn’t bringing receipts, and he sounds old and wispy.
Goddammit! Fucking former guy is killing it.
Reading A Broken Blade & enjoying it, but the author commits every Millennial crime against English: “step foot,” using prepositions w/ words like “pierce” and “skirt,” changing regular verbs to irregular, etc. Every one jars me out of the narrative. People, how do you use an only half-learned tool?
Aargh! I’m just gonna keep saying this until people hear me: “barrel chested“ does not mean broad chested!! It means your torso is shaped like a barrel. It’s an actual condition, it’s not supposed to be attractive, and stop saying the love interest of a romance is barrel chested!
Parachute skirts are back in! I always loved these! And it only took 25 years!
Dear Romance writers, please look up “barrel chested”. It does not mean what you think it means.
Oof. R.I.P. Steve Albini. Had no personal relationship with the dude or his work ... except I DID. So many of the bands that saved my worthless teenage life were enabled, and shaped, and guided by him. He was an architect of my youth. And he died SO YOUNG (to us middle aged Xers, anyway.)
Somebody needs to tell Rege Jean Page to dance with the one what brung 'im. His career hasn't really taken off since Bridgerton; maybe it's because he doesn't cameo there, we've forgotten him?
U.S.: Israel has a right to defend itself from Hamas!!! Israel: *bombs Iranian embassy* U.S.: shit Iran: *sees red* *winds up* U.S.: okay ... just don't ... bomb us
This is the time of year I repot my plants, right? How do I know when a monstera needs repotting? Mine has air roots wrapped around its stems three times.
Okay, I've got it. Biden's new campaign slogan. Beat Trump Together. Again. Or BETTA.
Okay, who's going to Glasgow in August? Should I go?
PEOPLE. If you sit too long, your butt will go flat. It's true! It happened to me! I had a bubble butt. I sat for fourteen years, and now my butt is flat. That's why, I swear! It has nothing to do with being 54!
The most egregious change the live action ATLA has made is Katara not teaching Aang what she knows on their way to the north. It makes zero sense in this world, given the urgency. And why wouldn't Aang at least ask her? So much illogic in this show.
Depression sucks. Relatedly, I don't believe in "writer's block." I believe in depression. I'm depressed, and I haven't written a goddamn word in nearly a year and a half. It sucks. I don't feel right. I don't feel seated in my body OR my mind, and I don't feel as if I'm fully living my life.
SEROTONY 'Twas dunkel and the slithy kits Did fluff and tumble the hallwabe. All mimsy were the poofy bits, And happy tails escabe. Beware the Seroton, mi boo! The hams that grab; the pouts that smoots! Beware the chocolate, eschew Monsterai to the roots!
Curious: can ♀︎-identifying/femme-presenting folx say: 1. How much sexual harassment do/did u experience on the street prior to middle age? 2. What is your race? 3. Anything else that would account for increased harassment (height, weight, visible disability, visible gender non-normativity, etc.)
The speed and alacrity with which this committee jumped to censorship on behalf of "vague instructions" makes me despair for the future of spec fic. Were there any non-Chinese BIPOC on that committee?
For the last few weeks I've been working with Chris Barkley of on a report about censorship in the 2023 Hugo Awards. Leaked emails and files indicate authors and works deemed “not eligible” for the awards were removed due to political considerations. 1/3
Are the metal sticky-outy parts of brushes "teeth" like a comb, or "tines" like a fork? Or "bristles" like with natural brushes?
This weekend, Fri the 9th-Mon the 12th Solaris has my novel MONKEY AROUND (written as Jadie Jang) ON SALE FOR NINETY-NINE CENTS!!! It will be on the link below but only this weekend! And if you do, please drop me an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads!
I wish writers would look up what “barrel chested“ means. It’s not an attractive trait, yet I’ve recently read two romances that describe the hero as barrel chested.
OMG thanks for sharing! I never read any Verne, but now I think I'm going to have to!
Of course it is. This was one of my favorite stories all year long, btw.
I didn't realize that Dante Basco was the only Asian voice actor for the kids in the original ATLA. Sigh.