
And the primary reason for that is because the money you get when you go past GO each time, does not increase. But rents do.
Remember: Monopoly has a Basic Income and everyone still ends up bankrupt and homeless.
And if you cannot afford to pay the rent, you go Directly To Jail, Do Not Pass Go, Do NOT Collect $200 If you've ever played Monopoly, then you will recall how at a certain point in the game it is actually cheaper to remain in jail...where you are not charged a rent. Until forced to leave.
CAPITALISM *jazz hands*
this seems like something you know already but it was originally conceived as an anti-capitalist/pro-georgist board game!
Which is one of the reasons why I find the quoted poster's effort to use it to critic a kind of socialist initiative so laughable. It also makes Hasbro's own Socialist Monopoly parody (and pretty much everything Hasbro does with the brand) an abomination.