Siddeley Genet

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Siddeley Genet

It's your tinker genet. Viverridae vivacious. Can't see the greymuzzle if already a grey genet. They/them. Maker of things, crisper of circuitry, sculpter of stuff. Ebikes, furry things, electronics tinkering and props.
Today in the slow erosion of Siddeley's sanity: Improving cable management on a test station, while replacing a piece of cabling that has a resistor spliced in for a known-value on a thermistor line. Remove unused extension. Extension is not in fact unused and contains second undocumented R-ballast
Hot, dry and stagnant air. Perfect recipe for allergy hell. Need a good hard rain around here.
Gravity is optional for your tinkerer genet. Genet just usually pretends to obey it out of social decorum.
Nothing sucks quite so much as doing hot air gun reflow in over 30C ambient temperature. Except maybe welding in it. (Hey , you liquefying yet?)
Mind the pointy end of your tinkerer genet when snack-bribing.
Ah, the fun of dropping several kilograms of battery directly onto your own sock-clad foot on a tile floor. (Ow.)
Furries, you should always be looking to have that "cryptid on a trailcam" energy.
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If you see this, QRP with a character that has long hair.
if you see this, QRP with a character that has long hair
*...checks internet* Yep, that's enough internets for today.
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Mission Control: Oh hey you're back early. Laika: Moon Nazis. Mission Control:What? *Racks AK* Laika: MOON. NAZIS.
And nearly complete. So if my first battery-portable design was the Haxbox 360, is this the Haxbox 1? Test fit enclosure. Couple tweaks needed, calibration access port is about a millimeter off center, but workable as is. Next, wiring, PSU terminal and circuit completion.
Of all the weird Translink decisions, the bike cops they seem to be trialing in what amounts to a subway station are the most baffling. Your jurisdiction is literally a train platform or a cramped train car. Why are there four of you flabbed-out retiree cops with mountain bikes.
Tinkering with a new revision of the Haxbox portable soldering station. Cutting the size down slightly, PCB revisions to increase operating voltage and peak amperage available to the heater, easier calibration and program input.
Imagine being so pressed about furries that, as a self proclaimed hacker and maker, you'd make a block list of furries. Suit yourself, I mean it's not like we make your world go or anything
Big mood today. Don't want to hop up and get at, just want to snooze.
According to , BBQ sauce is "ketchup, but yee-haw". He's not wrong.
Vancouver, I know we're thin on social boundaries here, but maybe a Skytrain is not the place and time to be poking at your girlfriend with a massage gun, hey?
Sometimes the internal geometry of a device requires a slightly abominable solution to probe.
Hold tiny viverrid like spicy hand grenade. Deploy genet away from face.
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Yeah, decided to cut today in the workshop short when it started to creep past 34C; the CNC's been misting me with a mixture of coolant and way oil, despite the best efforts of the vapor collector. It's like trying to work in a senior's sauna, except the sauna is loaded with dishwasher soap mist
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New local political ad has an ironworker saying "iron's in my blood"... like fuck, dude, I hope so?
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Can I get extra leave for work for 'not' having a child? A 'I just need a fucking break' leave....
Summer can officially bite me. Possibly up to 32-33C today. I'll be spending some of this fun in a chemical respirator, labcoat, splash shield and rubber gloves, potting electronics. Go 'way, day star.
Translink get your shit together 2024 challenge: impossible mode (Sitting here on a busted Skytrain for the last 10 with the doors wide open in near 30c)
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I started to type “spots comin’ in” and my phone corrected it to “Spots Colin” so that’s his name now
Today, I think we can let the AIM-9 have little a sun, as a treat. (seriously, someone's gotta dial that thing back from 11)
Sometimes, I'm left wondering how a local fur manages to survive. He's just posted a photo of a fucking bear, close enough to reach out and poke with a stick. We are, all posting back at him to back away from the goddamn bear, do not turn his back, and LEAVE THE AREA. Jesus on a pogo stick.
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