
I forgot to introduce myself! I am Sersen, I am a former art student, ex musician and self taught 3d artist. I have been trying to write a story for the past 16 years and I'm still trying. This model is a wip of the protagonist of my stories #introduction #3d #art #unrealengine
Fun fact: Her story was stuck in my mind for so many years that it became my only irrational fear. Working on her after so much time felt like a fever dream
1 Your model work is awesome. I'm such a noob at 3D modeling and seeing high quality models makes me want to get better 2 I remember Guillermo Del Toro talking about "the stories you aren't ready to tell yet". Sometimes a story has to be with you for a while before you have the ability to tell it.
I have a comic that I've been working on the story for like 10 years and it's only recently I think I actually know how to tell it. All the wait will make it all the more satisfying when I can put it out in my opinion.
You are mentally strong! I had this thing with me for so much time that I am genuinely scared of it. Though any day passed not working towards it, I feel my soul withering
I don't think it's about mental strength as much as it's I figured out years ago the shit years are a part of the journey. I look back at the last ten years and think I've wasted so much time. But if I think about the artist I was at 19 when I came up with some of my stories I realize he wasn't-
ready to make them. They would have been bad. But now I think maybe I could make something decent. And if I have to wait a few more years it'll be even better. I try to have that way of thinking with every aspect of being an artist. Audience. Body of work. Skill level. It'll come when I'm ready.
You are right on that. Artists have a long gestation period. Though personally I don't want to wait too much, I know being not-so-good is part of the journey and a journey has to start in some way. Unfortunately this summer I don't think I'm able to work on my big story but I am sick of waiting
People that want to get better when they see someone's else art are treasures. Because of people that can't do that I had quite a bad time in the past years. It was one of the reasons why I decided to take the long way, after fighting against my own project I found myself fighting to defend it
I was ready to create something years ago actually. I had a different model for Sersen. It didn't go well. Between sabotages, getting my stuff stolen and just the wrong crowd. It felt like the worst moment of my life but I kept working every day, it just wasn't the right moment