
Especially at a moment when abortion access is so existentially threatened, this conversation makes people extremely anxious. Avoiding it doesn't make the problem go away. One article can't hit every single point, but this is well-grounded.
'Although each of these terminations [for disability] represents a private, individual decision, gathered together they create a shape, the outline of a chasm between our professed values and our actual actions.' This is a really thoughtful, measured read on a very fraught topic.
The Body She's In | We have more tools than ever to tell us about our children before they're born. But disability screenings raise complicated—potentially dangerous—possibilities.
And as a personal plug, I've had a LOT of trouble placing stories about this and while I pitched a few recently, I got crickets. If any editors are interested in opening that discussion, drop me a line (sesmith at realsesmith dot com) because I'd love to work with you.
Thank you for sharing this. So many difficult thoughts and feelings. My youngest was born with a cleft lip. We found out at 20 week scan, and were anxious about whether it'd be the palette as well, but it was just the lip. It did make me examine how I would have reacted had it been something else.
Why do people need to find the constellations where no, the mother shouldn't be able to decide for herself? I can see how better counseling is important but where is the line to pressuring pregnant women to keep? The statistics hinted at are cynical, i.e. "No, actually the able siblings PROFIT!"