
The face of someone who was a perfect little angel at the vet’s because I was in the room and he knows I am unimpressed by his theatrics
"(yea you think so) - I am SOOOO holding my pee for later. Hope you enjoyed that Brooks Brothers sweater!"
Lilly blamed me and me alone for the indignity of the vet. I mean, LMR got a pass, the vets, everyone but me. My fault that this could happen.
"Do you know that they shoved stuff up.... Look, you are going to have to make SOOO many special beach days to make this OK now...." - Lilly.
That was LMRs cabriolet. They were a hell of a good pair, and LMR and Lilly were never were (or could be) separated unless it was me. She, Lily, watched over her (my wife) till I had a child (that was insane!). She watched the kid like. She would put herself between friends and the kid like /
I bouncer. "Are you sure you are on the list?" "Look, i am....." "Yea cool. I don't care, I don't see you on the clipboard"