
The Oregon GOP is like “can you believe the crazy shit people believed at the beginning of that pandemic that killed over a million Americans” and also “the World Economic Forum worked with the Chinese to steal the 2020 election from Trump and they’re going to engineer another hoax this October.”
And also, here’s a video the John Birch Society made in the 1960s featuring career right wing charlatan G. Edward Griffin to express our opinions about American politics.
Griffin organizes these “Red Pill Expos” as the most recent iteration of his very remunerative grift. Christian nationalist advocate of terrorism (and former WA GOP state representative) Matt Shea spoke at the 2018 expo.
The same people also surely shrieked about the likes of Brown vs Board, in malicious ignorance of political economy fundamentals where the legislature will tell you to FOAD if you don't have an influential constituency
“Majority rule” is a pretty rich line coming from the American right