
As has previously reported (with more coming soon), this Republicans for National Renewal organization has been a happy home for some quite fashy, "blood and soil" types of young Republicans.
Trejo is an example of the sort of Identity Evropa, blood and soil nationalists that are involved with this RNR group. Last I saw, Trejo also held an official position with his county-level GOP organization.
The Nick Fuentes-groyper-ization of the GOP continues apace in a bottom-up fashion through activists like Trejo and organizations like RNR where they find employment and empowerment...and also in a top-down fashion when Trump gives such organizations his thumbs up.
Amanda does really good work, and it's a crying shame that she has such trouble placing her articles. I invite anyone who disagrees to go undercover in fash spaces for most of a year and see how that works out.