Seth Klein

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Seth Klein

Team Lead, Climate Emergency Unit; author of "A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency"; columnist with Canada's National Observer; former social justice think tank director
For People Without Homes, Climate Disasters Hit Harder via
Yikes! This is alarming. Vancouver natural gas leads 17 North American cities in the presence of toxic benzene. Long-term exposure to benzene has been found to cause blood cancers like leukemia.
Vancouver natural gas leads North American cities in toxic Long-term exposure to benzene has been found to cause blood cancers like leukemia.
The frequency & tone of climate news should align with the gravity of what we confront. Time for our public broadcaster to break the glass and sound the alarm. My latest column 👇 CBC must strengthen its case for our – and its own – survival
CBC must strengthen its case for our – and its own – The ubiquity of climate news and the language employed should align with the gravity of what we confront. Time for our public broadcaster to break the glass and sound the alarm.
No need for countries to issue new oil, gas or coal licences, study finds Researchers say world has enough fossil fuel projects planned to meet demand forecasts to 2050 if net zero is reached
No need for countries to issue new oil, gas or coal licences, study Researchers say world has enough fossil fuel projects planned to meet demand forecasts to 2050 if net zero is reached
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Reposted byAvatar Seth Klein
My latest column is out today, in which I unmask Poilievre's climate agenda. In the face of this existential threat, Canada's Conservative leader is running interference for planetary arsonists. Today’s Conservatives not fit to lead in an emergency
Today’s Conservatives not fit to lead in an Today, as another existential and civilizational threat barrels down upon us, what would Conservative leadership look and sound like? Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party is a far different beast
My latest column is out today, in which I unmask Poilievre's climate agenda. In the face of this existential threat, Canada's Conservative leader is running interference for planetary arsonists. Today’s Conservatives not fit to lead in an emergency
Today’s Conservatives not fit to lead in an Today, as another existential and civilizational threat barrels down upon us, what would Conservative leadership look and sound like? Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party is a far different beast
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Despicable. Ron Desantis has signed the bill banning heat protections for outdoor workers. Last year, the first heat death reported to OSHA was January 1. That farm worker was killed in Florida.
DeSantis signs bill banning heat protection laws for outdoor Thursday night, Governor DeSantis signed a Florida bill barring local governments from requiring heat protection for outdoor workers.
Turns out the Pathways Alliance - the 6 major oilsands companies - has purchased 100s of google keyword searches to direct those curious about climate change to their garbage misinformation content. Oilsands disinformation is worse than you think:
Oilsands disinformation is worse than you Canadians must have undistorted search results on climate policy when conducting Google searches.
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Nearly every climate denial argument I’ve ever heard falls into one of these five categories. 1 - it’s not real 2 - it’s not us 3 - it’s not bad 4 - it’s too hard/costly to fix 5 - it’s too late And you know which is growing the fastest these days? The last one 😳
Canadians like to think of ourselves as global climate leaders. Sadly, not true. Don't miss this fascinating analysis from Canada's National Observer... Germany and the U.K. have cut their climate pollution in half. Here’s how Canada stacks up
Germany and the U.K. have cut their climate pollution in half. Here’ They’ve been cutting emissions for decades. When are we going to do our fair share?
Love these! Artists for Real Climate Action have produced a fabulous new series of comedy videos: their new web series THE BIG OIL ALLIANCE is a satirical take on The Pathways Alliance. Hope you can check it out and amplify:
ARCA Productions - Artists for Real Climate Sounding the alarm on the climate emergency, one video at a time.
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Here's what everyone needs to know* about climate change: 🌍 It's real 👥 It's human-caused ⚠️ It's serious 💡 With immediate action, it's solvable ⌛ Later is too late * social science shows these msgs increase acceptance of the issue, awareness of the risk and, most importantly, willingness to act.
World’s biggest economies pumping billions into fossil fuels in poor nations. G20 countries - led by Canada, Japan and South Korea – spent $142bn in three years to expand operations despite a G7 pledge to stop doing so, study finds
World’s biggest economies pumping billions into fossil fuels in poor G20 countries spent $142bn in three years to expand operations despite a G7 pledge to stop doing so, study finds
My latest piece out today in, co-authored with Melissa Lem, Liz McDowell & Ashley Zarbatany. New polling shows British Columbians ready to get buildings off gas and want BC government to get tougher with FortisBC 👇
Most People in BC Are Ready to Get New Buildings off Gas: Poll | The A recent survey shows strong support for government reining in methane use and making heat pumps more affordable.
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Exxon's CEO blaming the climate crisis on the public is the epitome of gaslighting For context, Exxon has spent the last 50 years lying to the public about what their own research was actually showing - that oil & gas are the primary cause of global warming
Exxon CEO blames public for failure to fix climate The world isn’t on track to meet its climate goals — and it’s the public’s fault, a leading oil company CEO told journalists. Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods told editors from …
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Rideau Canal Skateway in Ottawa Closes After Shortest Season Ever
My latest column is out. Deals with Charlie Angus's new bill to prohibit fossil fuel advertising. Angus has clearly hit a nerve; the industry & its acolytes have set their hair on fire, a sure sign its a policy with real potential impact.
Like we did for tobacco, we must ban false fossil fuel A private member's bill put forward by NDP MP Charlie Angus is closely modelled on the Tobacco Act, which successfully controlled tobacco advertising in the face of that public health crisis.
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Hey, did you say something about the need to create new public institutions to combat the climate crisis?
France's Société du Grand Paris—the national government enterprise building the 200 km Grand Paris Express metro lines around the capital—has become Société des Grands Projets now that it's tasked with developing regional rail systems nationwide.
Accueil | Société des grands
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Reposted byAvatar Seth Klein
The planet can’t wait for miracle technologies. But we don’t have to, says Professor Mark Jacobson. Thanks to wind, water and solar, “we have 95% of the technologies right now that we need to solve the problem.” #EndFossilFuels #JustTransition #climatesky
‘No miracles needed’: Prof Mark Jacobson on how wind, sun and water can power the The influential academic says renewables alone can halt climate crisis, with technologies such as carbon capture expensive wastes of time