Seth T. Hahne

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Seth T. Hahne

Hahne rhymes with bonny || Graphic novel critic || Artist/Comics || Formerly an insufferable ass, sometimes relapsing, sorry.
Book 11 of 2024: Letters From Klara (1991) by Tove Jansson, translated by Thomas Teal (1991), narrated by Indira Varma (2024). This was a good selection of stories but in it I discovered something I knew about myself but never really voiced to myself: I don't love short stories.
I love when FB reminds me of art I've made. Very often, I'm surprised by how little time has passed between now and what feels like stuff I did ages ago (the first two pics). Conversely stuff from a decade ago can feel like just a couple years old. Time is weird.
We haven't watched Elementary in years but a) we still know it's the best Sherlock adaptation, b) still call it The Joan Watson Show (this started around halfway thru season 2), and c) still remember that our burning question was "What awesome tie will Lucy Liu wear in this episode?"
Elementary is a) the best Sherlock adaptation, and b) such an absolute delight to watch, 10000/10 do watch highly rec (ALSO has Lucy Liu dressed like this and come on COME ON)
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Nothin like vacation weather
Reposted byAvatar Seth T. Hahne
It is possible I will be angry about what Amazon did to Comixology for the rest of my life. I read and discover so, so much less without that incredible website to browse. The kindle store version isn’t even “we have comixology at home,” it’s “you don’t get to have comixology, eat a dick”
Finally starting up the good work again. It's been mostly six months since I've had time to make progress on the book. I'm working in a hotel lobby right now, which feels right. Being able to come back to Monkey and Puffin again feels like exhaling at last after holding my breath forever.
Big hotel bed for just a little girl
So I've got to port over to a non-DB-driven set of static files. I'd like to set up a SIMPLE template thing like this, where I can have a php file for each review and bring in headers/footers templates, but I don't remember php anymore. Can anybody help?
My 4yo and 6yo were play-fighting and at one point she reared up, deepened her voice, and roared: THIS IS MY FINAL FORM!! And then she attacked, spinning and leaping across the room.
It's always nice to see that someone gets what is doing.
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Post 37: Specimen Room of Existence Drawn by Mitsuhashi Kotaro ~~~~ Manga is a style. All manga looks the same.
Facebook is reminding me of all the flourishes I put in on office birthday cards over the years. Truly astonishing that they would quote-unquote Let Me Go when I was delivering this kind of work on the regular.
Here's a new fun way to waste your time! Look at any boardgame in 2024 and try to find the games that *don't* use GenAI for cover assets. Is that one weird element charming human error or is it typical AI smooshing?
6 years ago I did an illustration for an article about Sneaky Pete, a show I have still never seen.
Behind the scenes golden age Hollywood
So Blue Box is actually great. A bit like crossing Horimiya with Haikyuu - only it's kind of a fake sports manga in that it's utterly unconcerned with the rules or tactics of basketball or badminton or gymnastics, instead just using those as evidence of the characters hard work.
Lotta road out there, folks. Stay safe.
Baby steps across America. Also, I never want to roadtrip again.
Holy smokes that film adaptation of Here looks bad. Like, forget the weird line readings and rough-sounding script. Just visually. It's the motion picture equivalent of the bear from the Golden Kamuy anime.
Here Trailer #1 (2024) Check out the official trailer for Here starring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright! ► Visit Fandango: t...
I'm going out of my mind. Need to get these guys off to replace my air intake hose before our trip and none of my nut drivers fit, neither metric nor imperial. 3/16 too small. 1/4 too big. 4mm too small. 5mm too big. 😡😤
Michelle asked (for a thing) if I knew any Great books with Summer in the title (that wasn't Summer Book), so I recommended Tillie Walden's The End Of Summer. And just because, I immediately sat down and read it again. Incredible work.
And then simultaneously, this other amazing thing turned 15yo today. Wild times. Wild times.
Four years and a bit of this little thing, the Chief Ham of our household.