
Welp, time for my annual read of this one. Audio this time around. Can never get enough.
This was my favorite series for a long time.
Fantastic novel. Really dig the film as well despite some of the changes. Have you read the sequel?
Yep. Very cool. Read pretty deep (and sort of sporadic) into that whole series, even.
Dug it as well. I’m a sucker for subterranean nightmares. Have only read those first two though, need to get on the rest
first two are, to me, the strongest, the best. but, I'm partial to the Mbwun, and those beasties from Reliquary. or, really: as every series goes on—save maybe James Bond and the Paul Christopher novels (okay, and the Parker bks), but definitely including X-Files—things tend toward the soap opera
Ah, I know exactly what you mean. Same thing happened with the F. Paul Wilson Repairman Jack novels for me. Enjoy them all, but those first couple are where it’s at
Hold on. Is the movie based on a story??
Welp. That's going on the summer reading list!
The craziest part: it's the first part of a series (that's over 20 books long by now) and they removed the book's main character for the movie
That's absolutely wild. I wonder what their thought process was with that.
Pendergast is, really, too big a personality/character for any one feature. he's even too much for a trilogy. and, man, the adventures that dude has, and HAS had, and the calmness with which he recounts them, and faces the Next Bad Thing. doesn't he have a fight on the rim of a volcano at one point?