
Okay, back to studying URB frames... It looks like the device goes into a uboot/debug mode but I'm unable to get my system to talk to it, unsure why. But I also noticed there are some yummy uart test points on the board.
You know, I poked at this thing for a decent amount of time, capturing URB messages, analyzing the windows binaries etc... I open it up and what do I see?? (Tiny internal button) Holding this button while plugging in the device gives me a USB debugger, now to figure out if I can talk to it...
I'm not super excited about the test points. I hooked up a UART to USB adapter and gave em a listen but didn't see any data flowing across them under various scenarios. Oh well! Not every UART test pad is juicy.
More on this, the device shows up as a W55FA93 Winbond Dev Tool Device. Not much documentation online to go off of unfortunately. There is a block device (/dev/sda) that appears so I imagine it might be some type of SPI flash or whatever. I'm not very smort because I can't get it to do anything!