
Tell me something funny about someone important to you who’s passed on. Anecdote, factoid, excellent one-liner—dealer’s choice.
My grandmother who had been an English teacher got cited for a traffic violation by a cop who had been her student so she corrected his spellings and gave the citation back to him and made him give her another one without errors
CHAMPION troll. (We did that with our apartment rental agreement update sent by Apartment (Mis)manager from Hell. There were THREE different misspellings of my name, and it went downhill from there. We also included "null and void until [name] provides information on bank holding deposit...
Avatar escrow." [Yes, she's withholding that information, to which we are LEGALLY ENTITLED, like it's a goddamn national-security secret.] We did not receive any response whatsoever to the heavily edited, UNSIGNED agreement we mailed back to her, so we've technically been month-to-month for YEARS.)