
I was thinking that I need to resubscribe to Netflix, so I don’t get spoilers for Star Trek: ProdigySeason two. But then I realized… I didn’t get any during the year or so when I couldn’t see season one. And that made me a little sad. That series deserves a little nutty enthusiasm.
We're seven or eight episodes in. Happy to give some spoilers if it makes you feel better 😇
Lol, no, I love the lack of spoilers! I just wish that more people would discover it for the jewel that it is. But, animation. It is what it is.
Of the new ST shows, this was the last one we started watching, and ended up loving it. As I said at the time, I would have killed for an animated ST of this quality when I was the target age group.
Oh yes! It was last for me too, simply because it was only available here in an awful dub with no subtitles. I love that it doesn’t condescend to it’s audience.
Season one started off aiming for tweener age audience. But Prodigy soon settled in with classic trek like stories, but with a much younger crew. Really enjoyed holo-Janeway, who guided rather becoming a virtual parent. Was a total fan by the end of season one.