Shelly 🌱 ⚧️ πŸ‰ πŸ€

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Shelly 🌱 ⚧️ πŸ‰ πŸ€

| 20's, she/her
| indie game dev and newbie 3D modeller

| #FreePalestine

| Priv NSFW (Twitter): @ShellyButSexual

| PFP: Commission by @pokryakk
Frieren might be the thing to finally get me invested in medieval fantasy settings
lotta cis people think we just throw on dresses and prance around bathrooms. They don’t realize that something as simple as your family still wanting you around is a massive luxury for us. that’s what we mean when we say cis privilege. They take for granted what we rarely have access to
I feel very flat-chested when I look at myself naked in the mirror, but when I'm wearing a shirt it becomes way more obvious I have tits... I guess clothing choice has a bigger role in defining the "form" than I thought?
I should get some normal bras since the sports bras I've been wearing look weird under some of my tops...but I've never dealt with real bras before, what happens if I outgrow them?
Now my laptop is fixed I can once again play modded Minecraft on my big screen while simultaneously watching a video essay on the other, we are so back
Will continue to monitor and stress-test these new doing some much needed PC gaming :3 Well, if you can even call it that
Somehow I have managed to actually change the thermal paste and replace the part without shorting the board πŸ‘ Huge confidence boost Fan speeds are a little strange I think? There's no way to edit them in the BIOS, so I downloaded a separate program to set them myself
Somehow I have managed to actually change the thermal paste and replace the part without shorting the board πŸ‘ Huge confidence boost Fan speeds are a little strange I think? There's no way to edit them in the BIOS, so I downloaded a separate program to set them myself
Got quoted Β£160 before. The part ended up being just Β£60. So Β£100 to screw in a new part and change the thermal paste...? No thanks. Gonna just try and do this fan/heatsink replacement myself, and along the way finally get comfortable (re)applying thermal paste
Got quoted Β£160 before. The part ended up being just Β£60. So Β£100 to screw in a new part and change the thermal paste...? No thanks. Gonna just try and do this fan/heatsink replacement myself, and along the way finally get comfortable (re)applying thermal paste
Got the parts I need to repair my laptop myself, already way cheaper than what I would've had to pay a repairperson
Got the parts I need to repair my laptop myself, already way cheaper than what I would've had to pay a repairperson
Got two interviews scheduled for roles that involve computer administration. Think I'll be in my element if I manage to get these.
Been applying to jobs for months, and I've not been successful in a single interview. And that's as an able-bodied person who has prior experience and likes to think they're pretty decent at interviews. Can't imagine how bad it is for people who are worse off.
just want simple lifeπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ
English why Apologies to everyone named Sean lol This is late cuz i woke up late. lol
I change in front of the window all the time. Anyone who catches a glimpse should be glad, getting to see a naked trans girl is statistically rare!
Is QRTing (I guess QRPing) your own post better than replying to your own post on this site? Feel like only the first post of my threads ever gets any attention
I'm pretty late but just watched Bottoms (2023). Loved a lot of the jokes at the expense of men and non queers