
My honest Harry Potter opinion is that the first three books are solid kid lit and there's a gradual drop of quality from there. Half-Blood Prince is BAD. As a kid, I gradually lost interest without being able to explain why.
The only political thing that bothered me from the very beginning was that squibs (as well as "uneducated" wizards like Arianna Dumbledore) are basically disabled; people with magical disabilities are treated like shit with no resolution.
As a white American kid, I didn't have more insight than that until Rowling went TER*F and former fans with literature degrees started tearing the series apart looking for racism, antisemitism, etc.
But I definitely had Potter fatigue by that point. There was so much pressure to like HP well into adulthood, and I had moved on. I didn't have the same sense of betrayal as others.
We forget how hegemonic Pottermania was in the early-mid 2010s. Hating on HP wasn't just uncouth, it was *right-wing* coded.