Shropshire and Beyond

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Shropshire and Beyond

Professional landscape photographer based in Shropshire.
Water tumbles over rocks in the Quinny Brook as it flows through Ashes Hollow, near Little Stretton. I found this spot on a previous visit but with no sun and little water, so I decided to return when the conditions were better. This was how it looked this week. #Shropshire
Here's the Iron Bridge bathed in early evening sunshine as it arches across the River Severn. I love the view from the underside of this iconic structure, which gave its name to the town and then - amazingly - was almost sold for scrap in the 1960s. #Shropshire
Sunshine picks out the Old Market Hall in Shrewsbury Square, once the site of a pool with a ducking stool used to punish dishonest traders and nagging wives. This practice carried on until the 16th century when the pond was filled in and the Market Hall built. #Shropshire
An ethereal view from the Stiperstones at sunrise. I was standing on Habberley Rocks for this shot and watched as features swirled in and out of the misty landscape. The countryside below me was once home to ‘Mad' Jack Mytton, the eccentric 19th century squire #Shropshire
Ever wondered what we do with our pictures? Well, in addition to books, cards, jigsaws and notebooks, we have a range of calendars - #Shropshire Hills, A Year in Shropshire, Shrewsbury and Ludlow - all available in local outlets and on our website. 🙂
I’ve photographed Ludlow Castle from Whitcliffe Common more times than I can remember, so it’s always good to get something different. This was my view from Halton Lane as I waited for the sun to come out and these curious spectators ambled into view to make the shot. #Shropshire
Light and dark - a rainbow flashes across the sky above Titterstone Clee. I always think the radar domes look like something out of a science fiction film, but they lie within the ramparts of a hill fort dating back to the late Bronze Age or early Iron Age. #Shropshire
The Lawley seen from the Long Mynd with the Wrekin looming in the distance. The two hills are about 10 miles apart as the crow flies, but I used a long lens for this shot so they appear to be much closer. #Shropshire
Roses scramble across a row of stone cottages in Much Wenlock. This is the Bull Ring, whose name is a reminder that bull baiting once took place here. Above the rooftops is the tower of Holy Trinity Church, which dates back to the early 12th century. #Shropshire
Nice day for a walk - two sheep amble along a path in Ashes Hollow, near Little Stretton. I had set up my tripod next to the Quinny Brook and this pair wandered into view. I expected them to turn back when they saw me, but they carried on without a care in the world. #Shropshire
in a sea of daisies beneath a bright blue sky - this is St Peter’s Church at Melverley, near Nesscliffe. It dates from 1406 and is one of only a few half-timbered churches in England. #Shropshire
How timeless is this - the medieval walls of Ludlow Castle seen from Whitcliffe in a view that has barely changed across the centuries. I spotted the birds circling overhead and spent a pleasant half-hour waiting for them to fill the skies before taking my shot. #Shropshire
A glorious summer evening in #Ironbridge, with St Luke’s Church tower rising above the rooftops. I had to wait for the wind to die down for a better reflection in the Severn. As I sat there some fluffy white clouds drifted into view and I finally got my shot. #Shropshire
Three new #Shropshire jigsaws have just been added to our website - Bridgnorth Cliff Railway, the Iron Bridge and the Northern Lights over the Stiperstones. Our puzzles are manufactured here in the UK, with more than 50 different images to choose from.
Shrewsbury on a summer evening seen against the slopes of Caradoc, with St Mary’s Church soaring up into the sky. I posted a similar picture in spring, but it's good to revisit views to see how they change across the seasons. #Shropshire
My view north from Caradoc with the Lawley and the Wrekin on the horizon. I spotted the sheep on the ramparts of the hill fort and waited for them to move into the position I wanted, hoping that the sun would come out at the same time. It all worked out in the end! #Shropshire
Evening sun on Caradoc, with a glorious view across the rolling hills and fields of #Shropshire. Church Stretton can be seen in the shadow of the Long Mynd, while the Clun Valley stretches across the horizon. There was an unrelenting wind the whole time I was on the summit.
What a beautiful start to the day - this is Whittington Castle, near Oswestry, photographed not long after sunrise. There wasn’t a breath of wind when I arrived so I was able to capture a perfect reflection in the moat of this 12th century border fortress. #Shropshire
The Shrewsbury skyline at sunrise with St Chad’s, the Market Hall and St Mary’s. In 1739 Robert Cadman attempted to ‘fly’ across the River Severn using a rope strung between St Mary’s spire and a tree in the Gay Meadow. Sadly, the rope broke and he fell to his death. #Shropshire
In summertime on Bredon, the bells they sound so clear' - A E Housman. The view to #Shropshire from Bredon Hill in Worcestershire, with the Clee hills on the horizon. One of the images I took to illustrate the latest edition of 'A Shropshire Lad'.
Hitchin' a ride - a swan and five cygnets on the Mere at #Ellesmere yesterday. I spotted the group in the distance and ran along the edge of the water to get closer without scaring them off. Then one of the cygnets popped up out of nowhere from the swan's wings. #Shropshire
This must be one of the most-photographed cottages in #Shropshire, in the village of Badger. It may be familiar to many people from my video in the opening credits to BBC's Escape to the Country. PG Wodehouse described Shropshire as 'the nearest earthly place to paradise'.
Delighted to receive this lovely message and photo from a customer who says: 'My wife loves your jigsaws! She found the Long Mynd ponies one the hardest so far. Apparently, the sky proved to be the tricky bit!' Our jigsaws are in outlets across #Shropshire
Stokesay Castle with a near-perfect reflection seen in the pool. The settlement was originally called Stoke but later became Stoke de Say - abbreviated to Stokesay - after the Norman de Say family, who were tenants of the manor. #Shropshire
A spectacular sunset on the Long Mynd, with a blaze of colour reflected in a pool near Pole Cottage. It's taken not far from Pole Bank, the highest point on the Long Mynd. It's thought the name may come from the shepherd’s pole that is said to have marked the summit. #Shropshire
A dreamy Bridgnorth photographed not long after sunrise, with early morning mist stealing across the river. This was my view from High Rock, with St Mary’s Church dominating the town's skyline. On the horizon is Titterstone Clee, about 12 miles away as the crow flies. #Shropshire
Stokesay Castle glowing in the evening sun. I wanted the medieval walls to stand out in the landscape, so I waited an hour for clouds to throw the surrounding fields into shadow. As I stood there I could hear church bells, birdsong and the distant bleating of sheep. #Shropshire
A golden glow on the summit of Titterstone Clee as the sun rises over Wolverhampton and the Black Country. This is the only named hill in England to appear on the Mappa Mundi, which is the medieval map of the world housed in Hereford Cathedral. #Shropshire
A night to remember - here’s one more shot of the #NorthernLights shining over the Stiperstones on Friday. It was taken looking south-west and not north, which was what I had expected. #Shropshire #Auroraborealis #aurora
A pair of lambs amid the bluebells - a picture just waiting to be taken! I was walking through Spring Coppice, near Badger, and I thought the lambs would run away the moment they saw me, but they posed for a few minutes before skipping away into the sunshine. #Shropshire