
This is a real issue for researchers. It isn't that groups of scientists are disagreeing. Rather, there's a handful of people making ludicrous claims and a community of researchers working on the challenges. Fielding interview requests about these moral entrepreneurs is important and exhausting!
FWIW, she told me she was refusing most media appearances as just not being worth it. Not saying that's what happened with you, but I think she's been getting a ton of inbound, mostly asking her to be a foil to Haidt, and she's decided it's not worth it.
"Moral entrepreneur" is quite the phrase, dang
I get it, but we need people who can point out that the moral entrepreneurs are basing their conclusions on dubious findings and methodologies. If we don't the outcome is really shitty laws and regulations. People like Haidt sound smart to normal folks; without counter opinions he's comes out on top
Oh we do John. It's just very tiring and when we don't have the bandwidth or time etc. it's strongly implied we're either shirking our duty or are admitting some kind of "failure". We're just human and don't have massive PR and political backing. 😔
Sorry if I came across negatively. Please read my comment as encouraging :). As someone who lived through COVID and works in drug discovery, I can certainly relate to how tiring and discouraging this kind of advocacy can be.
Not at all man. I'm playing the tired dad academic vibe for the ❤️s.