
Kind of wild how Republicans being in every way worse than Democrats has caused many of us to create a literal double standard where they ignore evil by Republicans, from whom they expect it, but not from Democrats, who are expected to be better, and then decide they're the same so why bother voting
They're not the same. They're not even remotely close to the same. Even on the thing Democrats are worst about, supporting the genocidal Israeli regime, Republicans have vowed to be worse about! It's not some principled opposition to supporting Israel's war to not vote against the Republicans.
I don't like the two party system, but it exists, and will exist for the foreseeable future. Not voting for Biden will not dismantle the two party system. The two party system is enforced by the Electoral College and our FPTP system. It will be a hard struggle to fix that. Ignoring it solves nothing
actually a nationwide non-electral college system would probably enforce a two parties worse because it would take so much money to run nationwide and the third parties can't even approach
It's already like that. I don't see how ranked choice would make it more expensive to run.