
I have absolutely zero data to support this but I have to assume that the majority of people who “don’t want to work anymore” are people who would be happy to work if the systems that ensnare us all stopped holding us directly by the throat
As a lifelong workaholic who genuinely enjoys being productive, creative, and being overall very ambitious I am finally hitting that wall of “I am so exhausted I simply don’t know if I can do it anymore at this rate for what I get in return” and I’m not even in particularly dire straits
So when I see someone “taking advantage of the system” or w/e else pundits like to say to demonize working class ppl I don’t see it as an inherent reflection of them as a person, I see it as a moral failing of our systems pushing a human being to cheating because the alternative is so soul sucking
I fully believe that those same people— given infrastructure, mental health support, and quality of life benefits— would rather work an honest day. They’d rather work, be productive, AND be happy.
There will always be people who cheat for the sake of cheating but I don’t think it’s the majority at all. I think work and progress will get better overall if people in general are being taken care of overall. Sadly it’s not the American/modern way.
Anyway that’s my semi irregular hopeful leftist musings while I mull over whether I want to pay out the butt for my health insurance next year or just pay the stupid fine in April and risk going in to severe debt if a terrible accident finds me
yeah I firmly believe anything that gives people an option beyond ‘get ground into dust by capitalism until your mental and physical health completely fails’ is worth any number of ‘cheaters’