
Going to do this one for Lewin. 1 like = 1 bit of lore. More likes = more lore about this guy. 🥰 #FFXIV #hyur FFXIV | hyur
1. Favorite Beverage Alcoholic: Mead or ale. Although now that he's in Tural, tequila or mezcal are strong contenders. Non alcoholic: coffee or tea
2. Favorite flavor? Lewin definitely has a sweet tooth. He isn't a chocoholic but sweet fruits and confections are his favorites. When he was in the Far East, he really liked dango. #FFXIV
3. Favorite Food? Anything with flavor, but not too spicy. 😆At the moment, he's partial to seafood. When he was growing up in Gridania, his taste buds were a bit bland and he didn't really appreciate food until he became an adventurer. #FFXIV
4. Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Snacks? Lewin is a dinner and snacks kind of guy. There are plenty of times where he's eating on the run. #FFXIV
5. Food or flavor that they absolutely hate. Mun Tay beans. He ate so much of it when he was growing up in Gridania, he won't touch it at all now unless the circumstances are dire. He won't even drink the tea. #FFXIV