
We have four months left to save democracy. Is Joe Biden old? Fuck you.
The operative question is if Joe Biden being too old weakens the chance to save democracy. If you say no, that's your call. A lot of people are really worried it will guarantee a loss.
There's no "the chance." It's us. Us who need to either rally around him *now* or hand it to Kamala *now*, but thinking about it in terms with no agency (ie if it's "his age" that will lose it) encourages endless rounds of trying to craft a scenario, rather than showing up, armed, to the fight.
The chance relates to convincing a few thousand people across a few states that Biden is preferable to Trump and worth the time to spend voting.
seems like joe biden has 4 months of nearly limitless power, can he maybe do something?
*Comic rimshot* I wish he would DO SOMETHING but there's a zero percent chance of him doing ANYTHING.