
YES. You are less valuable than (for some reason) SPECIFICALLY a chocolate lab. Hating on the most loving creatures will NOT make people care more about your health. Get some damn therapy and lay off on FUCKING DOGS OF ALL THINGS.
Here's something I hope you figure out before it's too late: "animals deserve protection, and humans do not" is not a moral position
Humans are capable of protecting themselves. Animals aren't. A dog is at an equivalent age of 3. I would care more about a child crying than an adult. You can say "I need help too" without questioning someone else getting help.
"humans are capable of protecting themselves" isnt very far from "so fuck em entirely" and I'm pretty sure you bridged the gap in this thread
Fuck humans who use dogs in stuff like this. I wouldn't have cared if they didn't invalidate animals with the same problems. I said fuck MY neighbors cause they're assholes. Some abuse kids too.