Simon Rosenberg

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Simon Rosenberg

Political strategist, commentator, analyst. Hopium purveyor.

My primary political home is on Substack -
From Hopium: - European far right underperforms again. Like MAGA here voters understand the danger, keep choosing better options - Good economic news just keeps coming - Biden/Harris is our ticket, but we need better answers on Biden’s health More 👇
The Far Right Underperforms in Europe (Again), New Biden Ad, Legit Questions About Biden's Health, No Letting Welcome new subscribers! Consequential weeks of politics ahead
From Hopium: - Another strong jobs report. Economy is growing, wages are rising, inflation was 0 in May. Joe Biden is a good President, the county is better off - Watch “With Democrats, Things Get Better” - on the goodness & greatness of the Dem Party 👇
Joe Biden Is A Successful President, Labour's Big Win, With Democrats Things Get Better (video) 49m of 51m Jobs Created Since 1989 Have Come Under Democratic Presidents
From Hopium today: - Happy Fourth all! I’m flying my flag right-side up this weekend, not upside down - Biden gains in 2 new natl polls, leads in new PA poll. Election is close, competitive & we can't let up - Powerful new Biden ad on danger of Trump 👇
New Biden Ad, Happy Fourth, and A Big, Big Thank Jane Kleeb Reports In From Nebraska With A Video Message For The Hopium Community!
From Hopium today: - Rest up this weekend, fly your flag right-side up & come back ready to rumble next week - New TIPP poll has Biden gaining, up 43-41 - The importance of Voting on Day 1 - Ds need a big reform and renewal agenda - Why we need to win 👇
Our July Plans, Voting On Day 1, Dems Need A Big Reform and Renewal I'm Heading to Raleigh, NC Friday, July 19 For An Event w/Anderson Clayton - Join Us!
From Hopium today: - The fight we are in is about our democracy, our freedoms our future - and we we cannot let up - We made June count by raising over $1m for candidates and state parties! - Commit to Vote On Day 1, volunteer to make calls for Biden
We Are Fighting for Democracy, Freedom And Our Future - And Cannot Let New Biden Ad, Holy Smokes Did Our Community Make June Count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Hopium: - Trump showed us how unwell, unfit, extreme and dangerous he is. Our fight is w/him and we can't let up for one moment - Today is a critical fundraising deadline. Join me in supporting the candidates/state parties we need to win 👇
It Is Time For Strength, Leadership, Doing And Making June Count. Join Me and Let's Go Win This Thing, I am excited to announce that I am doing an event w/Anderson Clayton in Raleigh, NC on July 19th - Join us!
From Hopium: - Joe Biden is a good President who had a bad night, and yes our job got harder - Trump is a rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon who was so manifestly unfit, so full of lies, so extreme, so batshit crazy last night - Let's keep making June count!
Joe Biden Is A Good President Who Had A Bad Night. Donald Trump Is A Very Bad Man, A Compulsive Liar and Would Be A Very, Very Bad We have three more days to make June count, and cannot let up
From Hopium: - Let’s go Joe!!!!! - Need a huge Biden money bomb today peeps - let’s express our support by giving the President the resources he needs to win - My interview with Andrei Cherny fighting to flip AZ-01 and Win The House More 👇
Let's Go Joe!!!! Winning The House w/Andrei Cherny (AZ-01), Let's Keep Making June Count! Tom Bonier and I will be together live this Saturday in Tyson's Corner, VA - come join us!
From Hopium: - Why I Am Optimistic We Will Win - a new video presentation about the 2024 election - Trump has another night of electoral struggle - Jen O’Malley Dillon’s message to us - if we do the work we will win - Let's make June count! More 👇
Why I Am Optimistic We Will Win (New Video), My Debate Advice To Joe Biden, Let Keep Making June Count!!!! Jen O'Malley Dillon's Message To Us - If We Do The Work We Will Win
From Hopium: - The madness and danger of Trump's "economic" plans - Joe Biden’s policies have led to the American economy being “the envy of the world” - Alsobrooks leads in MD - Let's keep making June count! More below:
The Economic Madness of Donald, Alsobrooks Leads in Maryland, Let's Keep Making June Count! Tonight, 730pm ET - June Hopium Gathering - Register And See You Soon!
From Hopium: - On this Dobbs anniversary, reflections on the threat of MAGA, the success of Biden - Biden takes national lead on 538, gets good new youth/House battleground polling - Voters in the battleground are upbeat about the economy in their states
Dobbs At 2, The Threat of MAGA, The Success of Biden - Let's Keep Making June Tue, 730pm ET - June Hopium Gathering - Register Today!
New at Hopium: - In 538’s averages Biden now leads nationally and in MI/WI. The election is changing, getting bluer - Big political week ahead - Dobbs anniversary, more SCOTUS decisions, Thursday’s debate - Good economic news just keeps coming More 👇
Biden's Polling Gains Matter, A Very Big Week Coming Up, Making June Count!!!! Tuesday, 730pm ET - Our Monthly Hopium Gathering - Register Today!
From Hopium: - W/Biden’s improving poll numbers and next week’s debate we're entering a new phase in the election - Biden now leads in 538’s poll average, having gained 2.7 pts since early March - Reminder we’ve had a lot of good economic news of late
With Thursday's Debate, and Biden's Clear Gains in New Polling, The Election Is Entering A New Tuesday, 730pm ET - Our Monthly Hopium Gathering - Register Today!
From Hopium: - New Fox poll has Biden gaining 3 pts, leading 50-48 - Biden gains 2-4 pts in 8 new polls, many have Biden leads too - Just dropped new version of my big presentation, “With Democrats, Things Get Better" - Let’s keep making June count! 👇
Biden Gains 3 And Takes Lead in Fox Poll, New With Dems Presentation (Video), Making June Count!!!! I Am In Madison, WI Today for the Wisconsin Democratic Party - Join Us!
From Hopium today: - Reflections on Juneteenth and our fight for freedom - President Biden takes a bold and welcome step to keep immigrant families together - Dems need a big reform and renewal agenda - Let’s keep making June count! This, and more, below:
Freedom and Dominion, Keeping Immigrant Families Together, Reform and Renewal, Making June Count! With Dems Today at 1pm ET. I'll Be With The WI Dems in Madison Tomorrow - Join Us!
From Hopium: - TeamBiden is working to establish "the choice" of Ds who make things better vs MAGA extremism - Dropped new interview w/Kirsten Engel (AZ-6) - Voters in the battlegrounds believe things are better where they are. It's good news for Biden👇
Establishing The Choice, My Interview With Kirsten Engel (AZ-6), Making June Count! With Dems Tomorrow at 1pm ET, I Will Be in Madison, WI on Thursday
From Hopium: - Tough new Biden ad on the rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon Trump - Ds had a good week last week - good polls, European far right underperformed, strong econ data - Watch my interview w/great Anderson Clayton & let’s make June count! More 👇
Tough New Biden Ad, My Interview With Anderson Clayton, Check and The 1st Debate Is 10 Days Away, Early Voting Begin in 3 Months - Let's Make June Count!
Good week for Biden/Dems: - 5 polls showing Biden gaining 2 or more - Big jobs report, inflation was zero in May - European right underperforms, like MAGA here - Trump babbles in front of CEOs - Make June count! All this, good new pods and more, below:
Weekend Pods, Interviews, Presentations And Readings, Making June Wed, 1pm ET - With Democrats, Things Get Better - Register Today!
From Hopium: - Meet Janelle Bynum (OR-5). Engineer, entrepreneur, mother of 4 and our next Congresswoman from Oregon! - Good week - 5 polls show Biden gaining, good inflation report, House special D overperformance, European right underperformed More, below:
Winning The House w/Janelle Bynum (OR-5), GOP Taking Enormous Risk w/Trump, Pods for The Hopium Annual Subscriptions 10% Off In June!
From Hopium: - 5 polls showing Biden gaining, the election may be changing now - New Biden ad on Trump as leader of the insurrection - Rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon Trump fantasizes about being with Nancy Pelosi at a public event This, and more, below:
5 Polls Show Biden Gains, New Biden J6 Ad, Let's Keep Making June Count! New Event - Wed, June 18, 1pm ET - With Democrats, Things Get Better
From Hopium today: - Inflation was zero in May, prices on many things are dropping, growth is strong, wage gains are robust - Dems had another overperformance in a special election last night - Josh Shapiro tears into Trump for talking down America
Inflation Was Zero In May, Another Dem Overperformance, Josh Shapiro Brings Let's keep doing more and worrying less and making June count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Hopium today: - Biden gains In 4 new polls, new 538 forecast gives Biden a 53% chance of winning - Joe Biden is a good President, the country is better off and far safer too - Come Make June Count by supporting candidates and states we need to win
Biden Makes Gains in 4 New Polls, America Is Better Off And Safer Too, Dems Need A Reform & Renewal I'm In Seattle Today - Come Join Me!/There's a 10% Discount On An Annual Hopium Subscription In June
From Hopium today: - The European right underperfomed public polling this weekend - Biden gains in 3 new polls, great new jobs report - Trump’s “strong leader” problem - Help make June count by supporting the candidates and states we need to win More, below:
European Right Underperforms Public Polling, Trump's "Strong Leader" Problem, Making June I'm heading to Seattle tomorrow - hope to see folks there!
From Hopium today: - 272,000 new jobs - the US economy is strong, Biden is a good President and the country is better off - Watch my new video on the 2024 election - Come make June count by supporting our candidates and states critical to victory this Nov
272,000 Jobs Exceed Expectations - Joe Biden Is A Successful President, The Country Is Better Off (Corrected Link) Watch my new presentation on the 2024 election. Together let's make June count!
From Hopium: - Our choice - courage, opportunity, democracy, freedom or rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon. - Come meet George Whitesides running in CA-27 - Join me in making June count and supporting the candidates and states we need to win More, below:
The Choice, Winning The House With George Whitesides (Video), "Courage. Opportunity. Democracy. Freedom." Another good jobs report! Making June Count
From Hopium: - New video discussion with NE Dem Chair Jane Kleeb about winning the “blue dot," flipping NE-2 - Biden gains 2 in new NYT poll, signs of possible Trump post-conviction erosion - Help me make June count by supporting key races and state parties
Winning The Blue Dot With Jane Kleeb, Making June Count, Biden Gains 2 In New NYT The Hopium Community Gathers on June 25th at 730pm ET - Register Today!
From Hopium today: - Just dropped a new 20-minute video on the 2024 election, and why I think we will win - Join me in making June count by supporting top candidates in the battleground - Ds fighting back hard against the GOP war on women More, below:
Making June Count - My Latest Take On The 2024 Election (Video). Fighting The Republican War on Hopium hits the road in June w/trips to Seattle, Madison (WI) and Tyson's Corner, VA
From Hopium: - Why I'm optimistic we'll win in November - Let's make June count by supporting key candidates and states we need to win - Betting on a rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon is not a bet I would ever make - 10% off annual paid subscriptions!
Why I Am Optimistic, Reform and Renewal, Making June Paid subscribers gather tonight at 7pm ET! June events in Seattle, Madison (WI) and Northern Virginia
From Hopium today: - Join our campaign to make June count - Yes Trump is a bad man, a serial criminal but his extremist agenda is even worse and far more consequential for America - Biden’s powerful “Flag” video - and no, it is not upside down
Making June Count, Trump Is A Bad Man, A Serial Criminal - His Agenda Is Biden's Powerful "Flag" Video, Annual Hopium Paid Subscriptions 10% Off In June
From Hopium today: - I’ve launched a campaign to make June count. Millions of people are checking into the election and they need to hear from us. Join me, and make sure we win this critical month! - Biden’s great “Flag” campaign video. Do watch and share
Making June Count, Check and Checkmate, Winning The Blue Biden's "Flag" Video. Welcome New Subscribers! Hopium Paid Subscribers Gather This Week