
Disability Pride Month Fund Friday. Drop your funds + links if you need a boost: - Mutual Aid - Abortion - Transition - Medical Bills - Moving - Access Needs - Whatever you need Please make sure you add alt text and make your skeets as accessible as possible. Beware of bots and scammers.
about to lose my job when my corporate overlords finish liquidating my store. i’m geographically isolated w/o a car & my family is increasingly hostile around supporting me even w/ rides to med appts. SW is slow & will be my only job soon. i’m scared. ca $RowanOak9 pp rowanoak5 v @Anarcha-Dyke 💕💸🖤🧡
also would love any leads on work from home jobs that allow for me to be part time and will maybe accommodate adhd and severe memory issues if anyone knows of anything!