Sir Axxel Rockersmithwell

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Sir Axxel Rockersmithwell

Musician, gamer, cosplayer, writer, director, actor, podcast host, ASD, Pan, no bio no follow, can’t have a link in your bio that leads to spam or else instant block!
You’re right it is is HIP TO BE SQUARE!
She motioned to me.. that she wanted meeeee yeah. Go somewhere warm where we’d be alone. I do not know what’s going on. But I’m guessing. It’s an all night thing…. If it’s an all night thing nobody’s gonna make it in, if it don’t begin don’t worry that I take offence…
Pretty sure that Autism Speaks is a hate group and should be defunded faster than the police departments around the globe. Sure the police can be sometimes bad and brutal but if a hate group is still spreading hate, which one should be defunded more? The police or a hate group? #defundautismspeaks
I’m the big bad wolf! What’d you say?
It was a little too late for me to be honest. They need to organize that sort of thing right away to be honest… I was really hoping to have one week without an issue on the trains. Past five years have gotten ridiculous!
What’s twitter? Sounds like some bird app that some egomaniac owns
I’m gonna give this a try! I would love to find some like minded peeps, go algorithm! 🤓 neurodiverse folks 🎮 Video games! 🐾 Animal friends 🍄 NINTENDO ✨ Sony ✨ Grand Theft Auto ✨ Gran Turismo 🎵 Music ✨ Indies 🔥Anime 😱 Cyberpunk 🗡️ RPGS 👾 Retro gaming 🎶 Guitar Hero/Rock Band Okay here goes 😬
End of feed.