Siva the cheetah virus

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Siva the cheetah virus

Hobbyist of many flavors
Everything interests my fixations one at a time
I eventually return to projects after learning new skills that increase my self-sufficiency and available tool set increasing my abilities "from ones ability to ones needs"
I love how these people exclusively think "it's wrong because a machine said it" Person writing the story is just making shit up for technophobic clicks
If tradition is key then I'll keep reading more about prehuman shamanism practices in the fossil record
Exactly it's the apartment that prevents me from having any budget to work with so I'm fixing a shit box car and I plan to boondock during the winter to save some cash and get some raw land alone to start off with Mix my garden dirt into it and hope for the best
I'm going to ask you one more time. Are you brain damaged? Because we've already been over this before you personally genuinely think AI is just people in India A position that is so far removed from reality I have to wonder if you were actually in need of medicine or medical help or something
Serious question... Are you brain damaged? Because it literally does say that all tech and AI systems are just human labor being performed remotely And you're the one believing that load of crap When humans build machines to do work more easily and autonomously
Oh joy we've gone into cyborg territory. You know what... Keep yapping I might take notes write a story arc for my squirrel armies special Frontline troopers That way your delusions don't go to waste
He is clearly implying that AI is nothing more than a handful of flesh and blood human beings performing labor in a different country That might be intelligence but it's clearly not artificial
In order for currency to be true currency it must be tradable BTC can't even handle something as simple as spotty network coverage Meanwhile a second Carrington event or even nuclear war capable of knocking out the internet with high altitude EMP can't stop cash
Constantly demanding that I waste actual real world cash on a fake non-existent asset to send you in exchange for literally nothing Because we both know that you don't have any fucking shirts nor would they be worth buying You literally have to beg me to buy them and it's not working
Fuck crypto coin it's not even a real thing that exists It's incapable of obeying supply and demand laws Literal fiat currency being actually literally money printed has a more tangible store of value and a use value when all else fails
I will send my squirrel army on a amphibious river assault
Yes it genuinely is you can see for yourself
Blue sky is already locked behind invitation codes I have no illusion of this place being a like"openly chilling on the sidewalk public view" kinda deal If someone wants to have a tick box complete a process of self-censoring that's fine but this isn't a daycare center
You can literally see for yourself they post about other shit to
Which is another component that can work in tandem with books Ai and occasional YouTube tutorials Neither of these mentioned "textblob" and that's a weird word to look up in a search engine out of the blue but an AI mentioned it to me so I got to look into it myself because of that AI mentioning it
Ball is in your court buddy I'm standing on the proverbial sidewalk waiting for you to justify why I should take you up on a Gambling offer
Some of my squirrel army ideas Former animal batteries who ain't taking eggman's shit anymore Because they clearly can't rely on sonic saving them all the time since they constantly get captured in the first place
End of feed.