Size Snep

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Size Snep

Giant-themed thoughts of a size-obsessed snow leopard. 🔞🇦🇺 He/him, aegosexual. Content warnings: macro/micro, hyper, inflation.
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this is something i've looked into for months now. there is no winning option, at all. well, there is one: vote. vote and fight like your rights and literal life depends upon it, and get everybody else you know to do the same... because it does
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the real issue is that even if we were able to move to foreign servers almost all staff are US-based, too. We'd still be arrested even if we moved our servers beyond the borders further, websites hosted outside the US that don't comply with our laws could be ordered blocked at the ISP level
I wish Furaffinity would correct the names of the "Prev" and "Next" buttons. The Prev button on the left goes forward chronologically, so it should be labelled Next, and vice versa. It used to be like this for the longest time, I don't know why it changed.
I picked up a Dremel and a heap of bits for it on the cheap, teaching myself wood carving. One of the first things I thought it would be cool to make is the Tiki statue from Honey We Shrunk Ourselves, a small one. Would be a fun reference for size fans. But it's a very ugly Tiki :P I'm not keen.
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A flustered shrine maiden being at a loss of what the proper etiquette is when her beloved goddess makes a physical appearance and now the twelve-foot-tall woman is picking her up and squeezing her like a stuffed toy, gushing over "the most adorable little mortal I've ever seen!"
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"It's also a metaphor for depression"
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Just went to tiny animal town and everyone knew who you were 🤔
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Emi the goat's butt is very bekväm. Ask her how I know :P
Big bells don't sound quite as cute as little bells 🔔 🎨
In space, no one can hear you BWOOMPH as your suit decompresses 🎈
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FINAL ROUND: I ended up about the size of Sweden, whaddaya know! I think I'll just relax at this size for a bit, give y'all a good view for your hard work in making me so big <3
ROUND 4, and I'll never get over the feeling of lying down and growing my way through the city <3 I've got one more growth spurt in me for the month, so help me make it a big one! for donations (remember to keep the messages SFW!)
I just read an author's advice that all prospective manuscripts that you want to become a book someday should be double-spaced. I've never double-spaced in my entire life. Is that really a requirement? Furry writers, do you single or double space your stories?
Just rewatched V For Vendetta (2005) while eating fish and chips, in honour of the UK finally escaping the death spiral of conservatism, congrats lads! Who'd have thought that twenty years on it would instead be the US with the most striking parallels to the facist government? :P
What if we kissed beneath the luminous cap of a giant mushroom in the fairy forest? 🍄 🧚‍♀️
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Anyone who is a doctor or has medical expertise, Dragoneer needs your help. His health is very poor and has been told to see a pulmonary specialist about bleeding lesions on his lungs, and he does not have insurance. I fear for his life, this is bad and he needs both medical and financial help.
Out of the hospital. It's not pneumonia. It's something worse, and they can't help me. They recommended I seek pulmonary specialists across the state, because they've never seen anything like what I have. My lungs are full of bleeding lesions, some with holes. I need a health potion and a miracle.
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Version 1.4 of Pawperty Damage is live! It's the game's anniversary update: I originally released the game today, one year ago... And to celebrate, I have added a new, bigger city level! Thanks for all the support, this past year!
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For a few blissful moments, Sheila wasn't sure just how big she'd accidentally become. There were no frames of reference up here. Then, in a horrible moment of clarity, her eyes locked on a familiar yet utterly foreign object passing by her thighs, and she was sure. Way, waaaay too big 😵 🎨Jerberjer
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For a few blissful moments, Sheila wasn't sure just how big she'd accidentally become. There were no frames of reference up here. Then, in a horrible moment of clarity, her eyes locked on a familiar yet utterly foreign object passing by her thighs, and she was sure. Way, waaaay too big 😵 🎨Jerberjer
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It's almost the 4th, time to raise her from the dead
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I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
*shouting at my emails* "GIVE ME A JOB SO I CAN AFFORD INFLATION PORN"
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You gotta help me! I wanted to do woodworking today but I'm too big! Look at me, I could pick you up with one hand, I can't use a dremel with these hands! I can't even fit inside the shed to get to my tools! Can you go in and get the resizer? Just set it to 5 feet or so, just a normal height, thanks
Who needs sex when you can kneel on top of a giant girl's head, scratching behind an ear the size of your torso, listening to her let out a rumbling hum of pleasure each time you find the right spot, and begging "Don't stop~" every time you try?
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were-comfort 24/7
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