What red light? Of course, I know this happens all the time but it’s quite a different kind of anger to see it happen as your own child prepares to cross a street. (The red light for opposing traffic and the green pedestrian light are circled).
Some of y’all were not listening when she said “earned all this money but they never take the country out me” #formation #cowboycarter
So excited Find your new favourites here ég hef reynt frekar í 3 mismunandi tungumál að fá þessi til að sleppa aðeins syrpunni / öndurnar og lesa eitthvað lengri/kaflabækar og loksins var hann tilbúinn að kíkja í þitt bók. Ég hef aldrei séð hann svona lesa á fullu á hverju kvöldi. Takk fyrir okkar.
What red light? Just another normal day of drivers doing perfectly safe things.
I want Jesus to deliver me from all the tabs...
Every semester, we try to match at least 1 classroom or library per state with a scientist. We're missing 9 states this semester: WY VT SD DE RI HI OK UT WV Do you know a teacher in any of these states? Encourage them to sign up using this link!
Merry Flumas! I mean, Happy Flu year! I mean, Can I have another 2 weeks off please
„An Silvester feiert die ganze Welt, dass sich das Datum ändert. Ich hoffe, irgendwann feiern wir das Datum, an dem sich die Welt geändert hat.“ Guten Morgen mit Kerstin Kassner
Hjólreiðafolk verða að vera sýnilegir í umferðinni
Financial forecast for the year 2000, made in 1932
I’m really struggling to understand how to formulate budget plans A and B for an upcoming grant application. Plan A is described as Best-Case Scenario. The budgets must be equal. Any ideas?
To the dude with the North American accent who has a little daylight lamp on all day in his office. Walking down the hall like ☀️into a spotlight on a movie set. I see you
Someone told me that this app may seem very empty because of this default setting that requires replies to have 2 likes or more before they show up. Indeed! I changed it so that all replies show up, and suddenly the place seems much more lively. I highly recommend changing it in your settings.
A very small observation but: I’m a member of a sizeable women’s choir. We practice once a week. In the last week I’ve started getting ads for a large men’s choir. They practice 2 evenings per week. Who is watching their kids?
„We had a female president. We have a female prime minister. But what I see is tired and burnt-out women who are told they can do it all." að skemma jafnréttisparadísarímyndina globally á BBC.
The world's most gender-equal BBC Travel talks to residents in four of the best-rated nations to find out what it's really like to live there.
"When scanned and uploaded to Facebook, the black-and-white image looked sharper than the framed photograph at my grandmother’s house. Perhaps that’s why only now I noticed a strange detail: what looked like a small Jewish star, inscribed in a circle behind him."
The Star in the The scanned image looked sharper than the framed photograph at my grandmother’s house. And only now did I notice a strange detail.
“Það er svoooo leiðinlegt að bíða aftan við hjol. Svo leiðinlegt að bíða með umferðaljosi. Þá tek ég bara gangstéttinni í staðin.” What red light?
🤡 gonna 🤡 What red light?
Honoured to learn that Anishinabek News has reviewed my book, and very grateful for this thoughtful assessment by Karl Hele. P.S. A reminder that my US publisher has agreed to give a free copy of the book to any tribal library or similar Indigenous org that might like one. Just drop me a note!
Book review: On Savage Shores: How Indigenous Americans Discovered Providing Anishinabek News to the community. Anishinabek include Odawa, Ojibway, Pottawatomi, Delaware, Chippewa, Algonquin and Mississauga peoples who occupy territories from Fort William First Natio...
Working on addressing green principles in my research application and honestly the best thing I should write is a pledge not to buy any more ‘research’ notebooks. The next notebook will not change my life. I can be better.
End of feed.