Sky Feeds

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Sky Feeds

A collection of custom feeds to enhance your Bluesky experience ⛅

Source code with all queries/algorithms:
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
All SkyFeed feeds are now back online, thanks for your patience! The feed generator backend is now serving 120 feed requests/second :O New posts might still be a bit delayed, please reply to this post if your feed is having other issues.
Hey SkyFeed users, new posts won't appear in your feeds for the next 1 to 3 hours because I switched the indexer to the new federated BGS, and it still needs to catch up on the last three days' worth of posts, likes and so on! Thanks for your patience.
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
✨ The 𝙇𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝘼𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙘𝙩 is now live on ✨ You can use it to create lists based on RegEx matching display names, handles and the full profile description. This feature is still highly experimental, so please be careful and report any issues and bugs you might encounter here in this thread!
SkyFeed List Architect, first experimental version launching tomorrow! Works for both curation and mute lists 👀
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
Update: Everything is back online!
OnlyPosts, Mutuals and some other feeds are currently down due to a corrupted database. All SkyFeed Builder feeds are still online. Trying to fix this asap!
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
✨ SkyFeed v0.9.0 ✨ • The sidebar is now collapsible and shows a list of trending hashtags • You can now create multiple workspaces/decks and quickly switch between them • Full hashtag support with feeds for every existing hashtag (sorted by New, Hot, Rising, Top or Random) →
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
✨ New personalized Feed: Liked by Follows ✨ It contains posts liked in the last 10 hours by users you follow. However, the more posts someone has liked, the less their likes are worth. So the feed might highlight interesting posts by users who don't use Bluesky that much yet :)
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
🛠️ Builder Update 🛠️ • RegEx search now supports alt text and links • Remove by reply/repost count • Remove list of users • Stash+Pop blocks for more advanced feeds • Remove duplicates • List Input: set timeframe • Debug info: result counts • Performance optimizations! Try it on
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
SkyFeed Status Page: If this is the only post you see in a custom feed, SkyFeed is down. If I'm not asleep, it should be back online in about 15 minutes!
SkyFeed Status –
Hey everyone, the bsky firehose (API) is still catching up after the outage, so you might not see new posts on SkyFeed feeds for the next few hours. In other news, a rewritten version of the SkyFeed query engine in Rust is almost ready, so big performance improvements coming early next week!
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
🛠️ Builder Update 🛠️ You can now filter by like count and remove non-hellthread posts using the "Remove" block! More improvements: show query timings, detect if name is too long, better error messages, mobile support, unpublish feeds, explain RegEx block, list picker Try it on
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
🛠️ Introducing the SkyFeed Builder 🛠️ Easily build powerful custom feeds using simple blocks and a full preview of the feed. When you're ready, you can publish the feed on your account for anyone to use, even in the official app! Available now on
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
Coming soon: Build powerful custom feeds directly in the SkyFeed app 🛠️ These feeds can be published on your personal account and used by anyone, even in the official app!
All feeds should be back online now, thanks for your patience.
Hey everyone, most feeds are down right now. Sorry about that, I'll try to fix it asap.
🧭 Introducing the Discover Feed 🧭 This feed uses a more complex personalized algorithm to find posts you might enjoy based on your previous likes. Of course transparency with feeds like this is really important, so check out the reply below if you want to learn about how exactly it works!
Introducing the Feed of Feeds! It's a feed to find new feeds, see people talking about feeds and posting their new feeds. You could also call it a Feed Feed.
Introducing the OnlyPosts feed! It's just like the default "Following" timeline, but without reposts and replies to reduce noise.
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
A lot of people are posting really cool ideas for custom feeds, but it's hard to find and keep track of them. So I think picking a hashtag for users to post feed requests/suggestions would be useful. How about #FeedRequest ?
🗻 Introducing the Week Peak Feed 🗻 It features the most popular posts from the last 7 days! (Currently only the last 4 days are indexed, but in 3 days we'll be up to date)
The Sky Feeds feed generator is now hosted in Ashburn (Virginia) with Hetzner. The servers are running in the same city, so latency is down to 5 milliseconds! Most feeds should now load instantly 🚀
If you already tried the "Mutuals" custom feed, you may have noticed that it can take 2-3 seconds to load. I'm switching the infrastructure to a new database today which should significantly improve load times and also enable some interesting new custom feeds!
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
Introducing SkyFeed v0.4.4 • brand new Discover page with instant search for all custom feeds on the network • save/unsave/pin/unpin feeds you like (syncs with the official app) • show feeds published by user on profile page • support custom feed embeds • like custom feeds ⇒
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
The official Bluesky application will be updated very soon with support for custom feeds! Anyone will be able to publish these feeds and this account ( already has some for testing purposes. There's also which is an unofficial client that already supports custom feeds!
Reposted byAvatar Sky Feeds
Hi Bluesky! Check out my custom feeds :)
End of feed.