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I grow flowers and pet cats and play DND and whine a little
My gentle reminder phrase when training has become the exact "ah ah ah" nedry did in Jurassic park and I don't know how it happened but it works really well to get his attention before he commits to actively disobeying
Ah, it's the front of the house he's scared of. That's easier to work with. Got him down the stairs and past it to walk for a poop though. Poor boy. And just as he was settling in for reward playtime Ms Maggie, his playmate, got stung by a wasp 😞
Well shit. I had just gotten Peritas comfortable with my brother in law and niece and then he decided the front porch was a good place to throw poppers and not only scared the shit out of my dog, he won't even go outside when they're out. That's gonna be a big issue that did not ever have to be
Layed down for a nap and CC sprawled across my belly 🥹
I like playing guitar with my aunt but I don't like the way the old church music she knows forces me to confront complicated feelings about people I despise for very plain reasons
TIL even those little poppers you throw at the ground will terrify Peritas thanks to my niece. Poor dog just cannot fucking shit this week without someone throwing explosions at him.
It's frustrating how many people hold the belief that humanity is a project and that all labor somehow contributes to it. The coercion is justified by necessity but apparently it's cool if that project is directed by whatever randos have enough money to force workers to do things for them or starve.
2024 - when we choose between lawful evil or chaotic evil
Peritas met the neighbor, my sister's MIL, today and is the third dog I know who gets very upset when she's around. Bad vibes on that lady. He was more defensive and loud around her in her yard than he is around strange men in his own yard. He never even got close enough to sniff her
Also Google can no longer provide a reliable answer to "is Comcast down in [zip]" unless you log into Comcast and accept the lie they tell you. One of my results was a Pennlive article from 2016
And also my dog can't poop because there have been fireworks going since 7 for a third day at multiple houses. Fuck off already
I so rarely want social interaction that when Comcast robs me of the one in a blue moon I'm excited for I get extra angry. Shit eating fuckers.
Well Comcast thoroughly ruined my Tarrasque Master one shot by shutting the bed a third of the wat through just as the players were starting to get into it. Enough that I can't reuse the content. Fucking piece of shit monopoly
Make a band more vegetable Emerson, leek, and Palmer
Make a band more vegetable Fine Young Cabbages
Oh no I'm running my Tararsque Master oneshot tonight so I have to watch Taskmaster all day to touch up my banter. Shucks
You know you're feeling bad when you forget to smoke weed
Dropped from 125 to 117 in 5 days. The 5 days after seeing my GI doc and saying everything was fine. Between the dog and my niece and a ton of appointments coming up I really cant be having a flare right now
God damn fireworks motherfuckers. If my dog poops in the house I'm smearing it on their doorknobs. They've been going since 5
Having a dog has made me acutely aware of how much people litter. Knock it the fuck off if that's you. Your wrappers and old food belong in trash cans
Whelp, apparently my family didn't actually internalize anything I've ever said about calorie density or prioritizing weight gain and worse, they've decided that the most useful foods are actually harmful. They're mad because the doctors are recommending fruit in syrup for weight gain over raw fruit
Operation frozen carrot is an unqualified success! He got so excited he tossed it around for a bit before settling into nibble it down to nothing. My only worry is he's ingesting much more of the carrot this time but he's nibbling it to shreds first so should be ok.
Two Camelia Sinensis seeds germinated! 🌱
Calmed back down again. This is also the first time he's been ok with prolonged petting. Usually steps away after a few pats. Letting me soothe him and seeking me out for comfort during a brand new terror after such a short time together makes me feel very good
Argh he was doing so well with the fireworks and then he wanted to pee so I decided to risk it at which point some jackass set one that went off directly over my house, scaring the shit out him. The whole pasture is filled with smoke. At least it's wet so these assholes can't light the field
I finally got the training manual the old family used for Peritas and A) it's very sweet and focused entirely on rewarding positives which is a relief B) knowing "look at me" is gonna make strengthening his skills in distraction packed environments easier
Peritas saw the neighbor cat, bolted for him. I said "Peritas, sit!" and he stopped dead and sat. So proud of him :')
Why, after 15 years of knowing I have crohn's, is it still so easy to pressure me into eating >.<
The "most important job in the world" bit rings real hollow after the presidents we've had just in my lifetime. On top of the nationalism inherent in claiming your country's leader to be the most important man, it's a view of the presidency that buys fully in to the vision of a supreme executive.