
Nothing radicalizes you like seeing all your freelancer friends have to pay 30% taxes on their poverty wages. Everyone is out of work, under employed, underpaid if at all. There are no savings and no safety nets. Groceries cost $80 every trip. It feels like I'm bleeding to death.
I really cannot recommend strongly enough that the people in this thread hire an accountant who specializes in artists. There’s no getting around the 15.3% you have to pay for social security and Medicare but they can help you identify ways to reduce your income tax burden. They’re worth every penny
I do have one, but they cost me $350 a year, and cannot prevent me from owing thousands. It helps to have someone in my corner, but they can't change the laws for me
Lol what’s their number, I just paid mine $875
Treehouse Taxes based in NY, I've had a great experience with them for the last couple years and I'm sad I moved and won't be able to use them moving forward