S.J. Falstaff

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S.J. Falstaff


Falstaffian- corpulent, jolly and debauched
(No Oxford comma!)
Reposted byAvatar S.J. Falstaff
Among other too-fast responses after the shooting, we noticed that Real Clear Politics did some quick stealth-editing: (RCP did not respond to a request for an explanation.) www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/...
“I supported Roe v Wade, which had three trimesters. First time is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between the doctor and an extreme situation. And a third time is between the doctor – I mean, it’d be between the woman and the state" ummm...
At this point, I'm starting to feel less revererential to the elderly statesman and more beginning to feel a "let's go Brandon" vibe. IS IT CULTURAL APPROPRIATION TO USURP THAT TERM?
Reposted byAvatar S.J. Falstaff
This does NOT say “President Biden is up to the job and I have full confidence in him.” Maybe I’m over-reading but it seems like the Democratic Party’s most respected elder statesman is giving himself room to maneuver, which is itself quite telling.
This doesn't justify Trump. He's terrible. But it does prove Biden isn't capable
"We had perfect air. We had the best air" 👌
And honestly I'll still vote for Biden if he's the only alternative but he doesn't seem capable of another 4 years
Trump is narcissistic monster but he's wiping the floor with Biden
Biden HAS to step aside after this debate
@juliemason.bsky.social Saw this today at the Bandera Dollar General. Someone at Blue Bell must be a listener of your show because I've never in 50 years of living in Texas seen this Blue Bell flavor before...
@juliemason.bsky.social What was the name of the Netflix show you recommended yesterday? I already devoured "Tokyo Vice" ( good but the protagonist is such a goofy golden retriever that i found myself yelling at the television) and "Somebody Somewhere" (omg- loved so, sooo much)
What was the name of the Netflix show you recommended yesterday? I already devoured "Tokyo Vice" ( good but the protagonist is such a goofy golden retriever that i found myself yelling at the television) and "Somebody Somewhere" (omg- loved so, sooo much)
And this guy? How are they winning in Texas?
100 most influential people in what way? Like Pol Pot influential?
Texas abortion ban doesn't even include exceptions for rape or incest. Gov. Abbot said that would be okay because he would eliminate cases of rape. Really? I mean, if he could, that would be world changing, but as he said it, it- so dismissive to the point of egregious negligence
@juliemason.bsky.social also, I hope you are killing it tonight in your black licorice dress. Please post pics. Preferably with your boo because I am so curious to see what he looks like! ❤️
@juliemason.bsky.social I don't understand this false dichotomy. Isn't it possible to support Isreal and their right to peacefully exist while also being horrified by the killing and starvation of thousands of innocent Palestinians. How does feeling that way make one anti-Semetic? Reductive...
Add Will Hurd to that list of honorable Republicans
Tomorrow, everyone is going to armchair quarterback and say a bad night for Nikki- but even in the deepest of Red counties where I live in Texas, she still got into the double digits. So maybe "the base" isn't as solid as it seems?
Voted as a Democrat in my very, very Red Texas district tonight. Would have skipped it and gotten home an hour earlier, but wanted to show my love for Colin Allred. Plus, civic duty....
My daughters and I listen to Julie (previous day's recording on the SXM app) every morning and every evening during our hour long commute each way from Bandera into San Antonio to my teaching job and their school. We LOVE you, Julie!
I have no social media accounts. I only signed up for this one because I'm such a huge fan girl for Julie Mason.
End of feed.