
Hi #PortfolioDay ! I don’t think I’ve ever done one before 😅 I’m CC/Smilodonna, a nature and fantasy artist + illustrator who mostly likes to draw creatures, beasts, and et cetera. I work mainly traditionally and colored pencil is my specialty the last few years!
I would love to connect with ALL OD YALL fine folks but also especially traditional artists, bc I have questions!! I made a lot of my work with prismacolors and then switched to more lightfast pencils. But I miss the range of prismacolor and I’m curious how much people weigh this in their medium
Ultimately I think I’d like to combine my full arsenal of prismas, caran d’ache, and faber-castells — and maybe use a UV filtering fixative and/or museum glass when framing to protect it?
I don’t know if I have advice but I think you certainly know your way around colored pencils regardless of brand!
Oh this is extremely kind, thank you! I honestly never saw it coming and one day I just busted out the old prisma set (probably sitting in my closet for a decade) and was suddenly hooked
That’s awesome. I had a similar experience — I started teaching art classes and we used prismacolors. I hadn’t used them much in my own work/school so was hit suddenly with their magic 🤩
There’s just so many colors in the sets! And they’re so firm. It’s annoying how easily they break but I still love em!
Also the option of photographing original work to make prints that are light fast.
Oh I do do that! I guess this all ties back to how I don’t really have a plan for my art 😂 I’ve shown only a minimal amount and don’t tend to push that I have an INPRNT account! So maybe figuring that out will help inform my strategy!
I meant scanning the work, not photos 😂 But yeah, lots of artists use materials that aren't archival and do that for longevity.
This affirms me!! I feel weird about it bc I do like selling originals. But I can prep those for maximum UV protection too so maybe it is all good after all!
I use traditional media and have switched between all sorts of things over the years but my poison of choice is acrylic paint marker on canvas or wood with maybe a hint of colored pencil or India ink
Oooh I have never tried mixing anything with paint marker! Do you gesso the canvas/wood first? I have a bunch of wood panels lying around bc I want to make more laser cut art but I haven’t really loved painting them with acrylics yet. Maybe just haven’t figured out a workflow that works…
Workflow I usually don't sketch with pencil but use white or a darker color to go in with the linework adding and subtracting from it with the basecoat color until the drawing is where I want it. It's so much easier then erasing or trying to trace from a sketch
This is also such a good tip. I feel like I struggle with erasing pencil linework no matter what medium I’m using
I usually do a quick coat of primer and a solid coat of acrylic paint by brush so I'm working on color and not on wood/canvas. It helps alot! I can't say enough good things about tooli-art pens because of the VAST amount of color choices. They also have these themed boxes I adore
Wahhhhh I haven’t heard of these but I’m very excited to try them out when I can!!
i love all of these! your use of color is simultaneously playful and dreamy, just beautiful.
Oh thank you so much!! I used to be so afraid of color I think and now I love playing with it so much
Beautiful! I always love your style