
Boomers see the tiny house trend as cute and neat but don't realize that we're normalizing poverty and an inability to provide ourselves with adequate shelter. But sheds are cute 🙄
It's not just tiny houses, it's designer tiny houses. All those people who can custom build their tiny houses and place them on a huge lot already have money. They are roleplaying being poor.
I've seen really appalling "tiny houses" aimed at homeless people, which completely ignored the high rate of disability in that demographic. So they'd be expected to climb a ladder in order to sleep on a platform with only a few feet of headroom, for instance.
I'm always confused as to why any able bodied person would want that either, but that ultimately goes back to my original point. Rich people get to pretend that terrible features are quirky and fun because if they don't like it, they can change them or leave.
Ever seen city slickers? 😬😬