
Hi, I'm an academic librarian! My greatest hits include "Yes, I'm familiar with the Dewey Decimal System," "Academic libraries don't typically use the Dewey Decimal System," "The Dewey Decimal System is kind of genius actually," and "Melville Dewey was pretty much a slimeball."
Hi, I’m a public librarian! My greatest hits include “yes, people still read books,” “actually more people use the library than ever,” and “No, the internet will never put us out of business.” I also do a great rendition of “None of us will ever be able to afford to retire.”
For those wondering, whenever I tell someone I'm a librarian almost always the first thing they say is some variation of, "How about that Dewey Decimal System?"
That's terrible. We should all be asking for the best of the books that someone, somewhere, doesn't want us to read.
That's so interesting! It never occurred to me to ask a librarian that. Do you have a sense of what they're trying to get at?
I think they are just trying to make conversation and it is something they know about libraries. And maybe it is just me. I'm not sure. But more often than not, I end up talking about the Dewey Decimal System! It is weird!