
Sorry... (not sorry) I have 2 re-post this. Some of the folks that actually have AIR space on TV, radio, social media etc: it's mind-boggling. Yes, he's eating ice cream. Folks eat ice cream. Regular, everyday folks EAT ICE CREAM. Others make asses of themselves. There now. Have a nice evening. 😘
Licking ice cream? Lol. From the same people who trip over themselves to get picks of GOP candidates eating corndogs at the Iowa State Fair.
It's insane. Someone took him, film crew, and a bunch of reporters to get ice cream. Conservatives are reaching in the oddest directions.
They sure are. It's quite sad and pathetic, really, more so than they've ever been. Grasping.
Thanks... I blocked her. We don't need that shit on Bluesky.
You're right about that! Good job!
They have Truth Social and Elno's Sewer Hole... they need to stay there.