Inflatable Pretend Lion

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Inflatable Pretend Lion

• Creator of Meatier Showers • I draw cartoonishly buff balloon animals doing adult things • Happy in my lane 🦁❤️🐴
These days I’m really just focused on myself and where I need to be in life. For the most part, I’m at a place where those goals rarely if ever intersect or run parallel with others anymore. It’s a bit of a shame, but everyone has their own priorities and I have mine. Such is adult life.
The Lifeguard Lion ignores some important fine print. What could possibly go wrong? For EARLY ACCESS & MORE, JOIN US AT:
Does this make me look bigger?
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Reposting for the Leomon lovers out there.
Not sure if this my toughest year yet, but it certainly has been challenging just trying to stay positive and not be a downer. The landscape of things has changed so dramatically that I’m just yearning for simpler times.
MEATIER SHOWERS: SWOLE MATES (17/18) For early access to future comics and more join us on Patreon! 💪🏼 👍🏼
Hey folks. Just a reminder I'll be at #Anthrocon this coming weekend at table H13 in the Dealers Room! Stop by, get a sketch, pick up a badge, buy some stickers, ask about my comics projects, or just say howdy!
Definitely relate to Tina in The Bear S3E5, napkins. These past 9 months has been a different kind of limbo and insanity, especially with AI, especially with the layoffs, outsourcing and degree requirements. I’m really envious of my peers who’ve got it all together and just worrying about home deco.
In order to produce work at optimal speed and quality I have to start shifting my mindset to someplace less frantic. Been stuck in survival mode for the past 2 months and it’s difficult to give myself permission to experiment and art freely. Allowing myself the last week of June to do what I can.
Resorting weekly tasks and reviewing my upload schedule. Gonna aim for a stream rush this week to try to get as many pages fixed and inked before July rolls in. Targeting the 10 of each month to have new content released publicly.
GW2 Janthir Wilds is just around the corner! While I can’t promise much, I focus on WvW dailies 2-3 times a week and run a casual guild ARF (Anonymous Random Friends) for PvE content. If don’t mind Asia Pacific timings, and would like to hang out, you can find me in-game: snares.5801
Back from my impromptu trip up to Malaysia this weekend. Kinda wish that the furries I felt closer to were also physically nearer. Miss all my overseas pals, experiencing life from a different culture and lens.
Hey! Care about your furry porn and stuff? I’d posted about this petition a couple months ago, but it's getting close to another big milestone, if you haven't signed it already (and you're in the US) please consider doing so!
Mastercard: Sex Work is Work. End Your Unjust Mastercard's new policy unfairly targets the adult content industry, making sex workers more vulnerable, especially Black trans women. It must be stopped.
Many thanks to for organizing this weekend’s cafe social. Was nice connecting with folks in person again despite the distance.
I know I don't ask much of you all (except money), so PLEASE watch Robot Dreams.
Sometimes as an artist, you ask yourself how much you want a thing, like a creative goal, and you just gotta push through your bad days to get there.
Looks like someone inflated the lifeguard lion beyond recommended guidelines again :0
Hi! Sorry I don’t interact much here. Social media has been confusing, while the month of May has been a kind of battle that’s taken up all my social bandwidth. These days I focus my efforts on Patreon because it helps pay for daily necessities. Please consider checking it out:
Get more from • SNARES ART • on Cartoonishly Buff Balloon Animals Doing Adult Things 💪🏻🦁👍🏻