agitator in chief

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agitator in chief

shitposting for justice since 2012
I don't need to watch a video to know that Chicago Police are a brutal, racist, occupying force in our communities. defund, dismantle, abolish. Dexter Reed should still be here.
Protect the fire lit before us & work to ensure that it burns a little brighter for those who come after us.
Maybe instead of getting mad at people who voted uncommitted, you should think about how you can get your candidate to do things that would win them over.
If you're not sure of how you're voting in the state's attorneys race, consider these answers. O'Neil Burke is fully invested in mass incarceration & doesn't understand the harm it's caused marginalized communities or how it's exasperated the problems it's supposedly addressing.
The violence in our communities isn't the result of a lack in police funding, it's a result of police funding. For decades we've invested in the punishment system instead schools, healthcare, jobs programs and more.
Some alders took a trip to Chicago's cop academy with Ray Lopez last week for a copaganda photo op. Incredibly disappointing to see "progressive" alders like Hadden & Hoppenworth joining in this nonsense. And yes, that's the cop academy Chicago's youth relentlessly organized against.
The Chicago Tribune endorsing Eileen O’Neill Burke tells you all you need to know. If you want to return to the corrupt practices of Anita Alvarez and increase mass incarceration, you've got your candidate.
If you read Illinois crime reporting, you'll notice an increasing trend where law enforcement implies that anyone who has been charged with an allegation of violence should be jailed without a pathway to release while awaiting trial. This is an extremely dangerous idea. (THREAD)
With any other elected offical, they'd be talking about how he fulfilled another campaign promise, with the Black Mayor of the city of Chicago, the implication is that he isn't leading his administration.
Stopping shotspotter would: -send a signal to the rest of the country that big tech can't save the failed institution of policing - reduce police terror caused by wild goose chases - save lives & reduce wrongful prosecutions - free up money for actual violence prevention work
End of feed.