Dr Sonia

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Dr Sonia


Cat lady. Desert dweller. Queer AF. Sometime academic
Today, for the first time in my life, a doctor offered me strong pain relief without me having to talk them into it. I'm in a lot of pain, but it's hardly the first time in 50-some years.
Slowly turning the flat into home
Love a 4am fire alarm, so bracing. No fire, some alarm.
I think I could get used to living in the city. Ballet finished at 10, on the tram by 10 past, home & in my pjs by 10.26
Going to the ballet tonight and Festival Plaza is all lit up and pretty
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Hurrah! The movers have collected all the empty boxes and wrapping paper, and I have my spare room back
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My thoughts on @siouxsiew.bsky.social v the University of Auckland. The judgment, which finds in favour of Siouxsie, strengthens academic freedom in New Zealand, but highlights problems with Auckland's management that its VC seems reluctant to accept. thespinoff.co.nz/society/10-0...
The Siouxsie Wiles judgment should be a wake-up call for New Zealand’s universitiesthespinoff.co.nz 'The fact she had to take her university to court to force it to take her concerns seriously should trigger some serious soul-searching.'
One thing about living in my new flat - I have a whole new appreciation for how average height people must feel. There are so many shelves and cupboards here I cannot reach. I might have to buy a stepladder for the first time in my life!
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So I had to extend my stay at Fairly Terrible Hotel for one night. Went to reception (in a whole other hotel) and paid and sorted it out OR SO I THOUGHT. For some reason I felt I should call them and check it was all ok. (tbc)
If you're staying in a mid-range North Adelaide hotel this weekend, yes we can absolutely hear you fucking
Everyone in Adelaide is at Ikea this arvo. Absolutely wild scenes.
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A highly influential paper that claimed to have identified specific microbial signatures associated with different human cancers has been retracted after journal editors found the conclusions to be unsupported. #SciSky #AcademicSky #Retraction
Journal retracts influential cancer microbiome paperwww.science.org Claim that a blood sample’s mix of microbes can reveal a tumor spawned other research and a company to commercialize the findings
Still at the laundromat and inciting others to arc up against rudeness. Don't piss off and leave your drying to sit for an hour ffs.
Am at a very fancy Orangesky laundromat and I'm fairly sure I've buggered up with one of the machines
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You can literally rent a room in this hotel without ever speaking to a human. There's a vending machine at the front door that takes payments and dispenses card keys. It's a weird future we live in.
The seating situation in this hotel room is seriously arse. There's a saddle chair on wheels (fine for an hour, punitive for watching a movie) or moulded plastic torture from the balcony. Imma buy a camping chair. Fuck this shit.
LOL started my new job and the building got evacuated for a weird smell
All kinds of seating related shenanigans on this flight. I assume at some point we'll get to leave.
Kissed my boys goodbye and now I'm at the airport waiting for my flight to Radelaide. Yes, I cried.
Movers are all done and Ragnar Fluffpants is out of confinement and investigating all the changes.
Packing is just about done, boxes are going out to the truck. Of course, uplifting today means I get to sleep kn the sofa for 2 nights but it's still better than having to fly back to manage the move.
My new fixation for the next 2 weeks will be that I am taking way too much kitchen stuff and it won't fit in my new place.
Paying other people to pack my stuff is so awesome. Thanks, new job!
Removalists are due any minute to pack and load. I keep remembering stuff I haven't pulled out for them.
If I wanted to take a bottle of champagne with me on a flight, is it safe to take it in my cabin baggage? (AU domestic flight, so no liquid limits)
And back on the ground in Mparntwe