
They know this is patriarchy, right? I mean, you can give it a new name but none of this shit is new. Please, I beg, read some fucking feminists.
This is not an app problem! It's a social problem that somewhere manages to keep existing through various evolutions in technology. I promise you, back in the olden times when people used landlines, straight men were also entitled sexual narcissists!
Is Dating a Total Nightmare for You Right Now? You’re not alone. Trying to date as a young woman has gotten so bad it’s gone viral.
Every adult sitcom since forever has drawn comedy from how terrible dating is
speculative but, am wondering how successfully the mid-2010s backlash against "feminazis"🤮 walled off younger folx from feminist writing +theory. (which ofc was the intention behind the backlash) sigh
There are also no singular outlets filling the gaps left by the heydays of Jezebel, Feministing, Crunk Feminist Collective, Rookie, etc It sucks!
truly! +feels like the splintering +enshittification of twitter has impacted this too... so much amazing conversation, sharing of historical works, chewing on/adding to concepts was going on there during its heyday.