
My spouse co-organizes the annual Sick and Disabled Fair, a free virtual event by and for disabled artists, crafters, and zinesters. Costs to run the event are higher than expected this year, and organizers need help to make the SAD Fair as accessible and successful as possible.
The SAD Fair is an immense undertaking from a group of very dedicated disabled organizers working with very limited resources. The weeklong fair features more than 50 vendors, live virtual tabling, and interactive workshops. All live events have professional ASL interpretation.
The event is completely free to vendors and attendees, but all of its infrastructure costs money to run. This year, with lots of interest in live virtual events, costs for the website and costs for ASL interpretation came in higher than expected. They need to close the gap.
Please, consider sending some money to the SAD Fair so that they can afford to provide professional ASL interpretation during all of this year's live sessions, and to lessen the personal financial burden that running the fair places on co-organizers.
Support SAD Fair on Ko-fi! ❤️. Support SAD Fair On Ko-fi. Ko-fi lets you support the people and causes you love with small donations
To learn more about the SAD Fair in general, you can head to their website or to @sadzcf Instagram. This year's fair takes place from July 21st through July 27th.
SAD Zine + Craft