
There’s a reason you’re reading about this happening at an institution whose very existence is being rendered virtually illegal after endless divestment and mismanagement and not a Wesleyan or Bryn Mawr
Yeah basically this. This is yet another attempt at chipping away at the value and legitimacy of HBCUs, which is a fight that has been going on for deacdes & that usually takes place in state & federal budget meetings and accreditation bodies.
HBCUs for all their flaws are still places that allow more Black folks to get higher education & degrees than we would if they didn't exist. This isn't just about rich ppl, this is about the continuing attempts at recreating "separate yet equal" educational systems,
Can't kick Black folks out of higher ed entirely, not legally, but you can keep Black professorsfrom getting tenure at white schools and you can make HBCUs all taught by AI, which also gives Black folks an inferior education. & just like that Brown v Board of Education is rendered meaningless!!!!!
And given Morehouse's stature as an HBCU, if they can normalize this AI shit there, they can normalize it at all HBCUs. This is very specifically an antiblack educational policy and has to be addressed as such.
Further, at an HBCU, Black students get an education from their Black professors in ways that exceed class syllabus. My dad taught at Morehouse and I literally watched him help Black men become full human beings — an AI can't do that.
More specifically: my dad imparted Intergenerational knowledge about Blackness, Black identity and what it means to be a Black men. He was a polisci professor who taught them how the govt has traditionally screwed our ppl over. AI can't do that, and that's why it's being pushed in that space now.
another way to deny Black people their full humanity
Thank you for saying this. It really struck me that this is getting rolled out at an HBCU