soul khan

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soul khan

aging beautifully. bisexual lightning. antizionist jew. spotify: ytb: ig:
what’s a game like animal crossing on switch that has similar mechanics and aesthetics (polygons no sprites plz lol)? trying to get my gf another single player game she will enjoy
ok the romance aspect feels like fan fiction by weird theater kids who would do massage circles in the quad lol
hesitant to play baldurs gate 3 bc it was already overwhelming to navigate my own bisexuality
🎶i sucked the sheriff, and i also sucked the deputy🎶
hesitant to play baldurs gate 3 bc it was already overwhelming to navigate my own bisexuality
it was good to do this again :)
on amtrak rn and i gotta say there's no aspect of this aside from trip duration that doesn't shit all over air travel. i wish biden was really the epic train guy those dorks thought he'd be.
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haha wouldn't it be wild if we all got PrEP trending so that all the dolls here could know how dope it is to have a miracle drug that prevents the spread of HIV?
if i directed oppenheimer, i’d have a scene where FDR shakes his hand and tells him “you’re oppenHIRED”
ok i think it's weird to have a leftist backlash against young ppl for saying they were affected by their life being upended by covid and the american response to it, however necessary. leftists should acknowledge it as a failure of society to support ppl thru a crisis. dismissal is libshit.
lol whoops i just signed in for the first time in a few days and missed the whole thing about bsky being fuckin stupid. my bad
when i was a kid, so many movies and shows had a dumb joke about parking validation and it drove me nuts. is there a hacky, overused joke yall remember that stuck with you? this is just for old ppl probably lol
when i was a kid, so many movies and shows had a dumb joke about parking validation and it drove me nuts. is there a hacky, overused joke yall remember that stuck with you? this is just for old ppl probably lol
twitter safety thinks it’s totally ok for somebody with a username ending in 1488 to create a list on there that’s literally just entitled “jews” lol amazing
eric adams is getting ate up on twitter by fascists who think that the nypd is cooking murder stats, as if there's a thousand extra corpses in this city whose deaths have been obscured. you can't debate these ppl lol
at 100 followers i show chag
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Some people genuinely struggle to comprehend just how horrifying qualified immunity is in practice. People want to believe it's about split-second, lives-at-stake, no-good-options decisions by police officers. Their minds refuse to believe the kind of facts routinely blessed by district courts.
Wait, holy shit. (Via Short Circuit IJ.)
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much cooler jesus resurrection arc
no longer looking for 24k of my friends. will gratefully settle for 240 in the interim
should have done an onlyfans before twitter began deteriorating 😔
uh did neoliberal cuts to the nhs indirectly cause mf doom’s death???
the covid precaution posters in businesses now feel kinda like old signs for bomb shelters except those were useless whereas these were ignored and like 1.5 million ppl died
the straw that sucked the camel’s dick
jewish bf reassuring non-hypochondriac gf
again, a cop could die from drunkenly crashing into the side of a parked school bus and cops will be like “we honor our fallen brother, sergeant anthony brutaliano, for making the ultimate sacrifice.” zero sense of proportion in their porcine brains. it’s all a warrior’s death.