
Comparing Biden and Trump is like comparing an old, decent, moral person who is incredibly effective at governing with an old, pathologically lying, treasonous shitweasel who is incapable of governing and will destroy American democracy.
Umm have you seen Gaza ? Moral who?
People like you seem to believe that half a million people in Gaza are the only people that matter. Billions that will be impacted by climate change? NAH. 160+ million women who want access to abortion? NAH. 21 million LGBT+ people? NAH. 30+ million Ukraine people? NAH.
Yes, ignoring a genocide always works out well. Let's all be Germans and pretend we didn't know the Holocaust was going on.
Nobody is ignoring shit, we're simply realizing that whatever Biden's failings it's better than A: The guy who will give Israel free reign to just kill everyone in Gaza. B: There are bigger issues that impact more people than those that live in Gaza.
But if Biden were to drop his pro-genocide policy, which is deeply unpopular, he'd be more likely to win the election and help all those other things. Why does it have to be either/or?
We live in a world that runs on gas & oil, everything we do depends on fossile fuels. This is the only reason we give a shit about the middle east at all, and whether you like Israel or not Israel is the only reliable partner in keeping the middle east "stableish?"
"We'd stop having all these wars over oil" is a pretty good reason to pivot more towards green renewable energy, though you'd think "let's not turn the planet we all live on into an unlivable wasteland" would be more than enough of one.
I agree, it's the reasons climate change is the most important issue IMO because it will impact billions of people if we do nothing. Everything else while important in it's own way, is small potatos (not to mention climate change makes EVERYTHING ELSE worse).
So it's a very bad idea to enable a genocide and destroy the Rules Based Order in service of a resource that needs to be rapidly abandoned.
For real, it shouldn't be lost on people that Palestine has oil reserves and that's a major material reason why Israel is doing what it's doing as well as why leaders in western nations are still supporting them.
Hey Benny how much impact on climate change do you reckon constant bombardments have.
Imagine what we could be developing with all the resources that get used to make bombs and bullets.