
White women....white women, please, PLEASE stop painting brick fireplaces. Please, as a white woman myself, I'm begging you to stop.
and they keep painting it WHITE, literally it can be any other color!!
Ugh it's the greyscale thing that's in fashion with millenials and I hate it
I don't even know if the Millennials like it or it's just what the Design Industry has declared is In. But it makes houses feel like they are from the Giver and I hate it. Although what really gets me is the greyscale *baby toys*
There was originally a cool science reason for the b&w toys as researchers think newborn babies have very minimal color vision so the toys are very "visible" and stimulating. It was a niche thing that turned into a really annoying design philosophy. Lol it's giving Giver
Stark black and white toys are fine, the high contrast IS good for baby's vision afaik at very young ages. Making *everything* in pale shades of white and grey and beige is not that. Like, this is a real product that exists:
higher than soul can This toy design brought to you by The Giver.
these are decorative art pieces not fuckin children's toys. Babies are little humans not aesthetic accessories jebus
I've also seen a baby ball pit (pale grey) with white, light grey, and medium grey balls. And when I went to get a gift for a friend's baby shower the whole department was full of white, grey, and beige products. It's real bad out there.