
we need to stop making computers more powerful they're as powerful as they need to fucking be. graphics don't need to get better at this point and GPUs shouldn't be used for ai or farming. we need to focus on making the tech we currently have consume less power.
like seriously all making computers even more powerful has done—with some exceptions for non-consumer uses—is more harm. more consumption, and has allowed software companies to get away with making their software actively worse and more bloated because they don't need to care about optimising things
i miss when every web application wasn't stupidly slow, i miss when every web browser didn't need 160GB of RAM, and I miss when my slightly higher than mid-range PC didn't keep my room warm just by being courtesy of being switched on and i miss when every application wasn't based on fUCKING ELECTRON
so much this. as an embedded developer i have had to work around limitations and with that comes creativity. you quickly realize that you can't just throw more RAM at the problem. the solutions are different on a PC where clock cycles are so abundant they are basically free.