
Well this is grim
Getting a lot of replies about "why doesn't she just do XYZ" as though the entirety of her job could be explaining the difference between "text box that lies" and "text box that tells you the truth*" to this kid, and not teaching several classes with their own topics and workloads.
The other set of recurring replies is people trying to argue with someone who describes himself as a "ronin scholar" which is somehow even worse. Block and move on, folks. For the sake of my notifications.
Some of those replies were the most Twitter-esque I’ve seen since moving here
You know every reply that starts with "Just" is gonna be a banger. "Simply" also laying down bars.
It's the Winnie the Pooh with a Monocle meme
I assume they ignored the part where she explained how GenAI works to the kid and they didn’t believe her. Imagine dealing with a class full of this—how do you convince 30 kids of the truth when they’re going to believe the bullshit machine over you?
But the last government we had was very heavy on a belief that opinions are are at least equal, if not more important than facts / knowledge. So we got to hear a lot of lies and untruths and were told to accept tgem. Also how mainstream media works. This problem is much bigger than the classroom.
Explaining things to kids and getting it to stick is hard and requires luck and timing. Some people do it well for a lot of kids, but no-one does it every time with every kid.
Spoken like a true teacher! I'm so lucky I get my kids 1:1, so this kind of thing doesn't happen often. I have had kids try to use AI to answer questions, but they're so different that it is easy to spot. We get to have a nice conversation about wtf is the point of history homework.
Ha! I did work with kids in the past but it’s my wife who’s the teacher. I’ve watched her talk (and get through) to kids for years